Echelon... If you're confused as to why I hosted this picture at the top of the thread, blink your eyes and look at the DblWall again. ++++++Echelon++++++ ++Template Contest++ Hi, all! You may formerly know me as co-Forger of Team NoseyNaux. My good friend, GridNaux, retired 9/10 of his Halo time to other things just a few months ago. As you may imagine, this greatly stunted my own Forging proceedings. Despite his current-and-likely-extended absence, I decided to enter into the recently-posted Template Contest. The below is my submission. ++++++Echelon++++++ ++Template Contest++ ##Echelon Summary## Echelon is a symmetrically-made asymmetrical map. That is, it plays symmetrically, but the map has obvious variables. I actually came close to finishing the scenery department of the map once before, and then a buddy of mine joined up, told me the map was crap, and I totally re-vamped it. I'm much more proud of what you will see than what it was before. I'll stop delaying, though. Hope you enjoy. ++++++Echelon++++++ ++Template Contest++ ##Weapons## (3) Battle Rifle 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip (2) Covenant Carbine 45 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (2) Sniper Rifle 90 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips (1) Plasma Rifle 30 Second Respawn (1) Magnum 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (1) SMG 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (1) Spiker 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips (1) Brute Shot 60 Second Respawn- 2 Spare Clips (1) Fuel Rod Cannon 120 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip (1) Plasma Pistol 45 Second Respawn (2) Needler 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip (1) Mauler 45 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips (1) Gravity Hammer 90 Second Respawn (1) Sentinal Beam 120 Second Respawn ++++++Echelon++++++ ++Template Contest++ ##Equipment## (6) Plasma Grenades 20 Second Respawn (6) Fragmentation Grenades 10 Second Respawn (1) Bubble Shield 60 Second Respawn (1) Power Drain 60 Second Respawn (1) Trip Mine 60 Second Respawn (1) Flare 60 Second Respawn (1) Active Camouflauge 150 Second Respawn ++++++Echelon++++++ ++Template Contest++ ##Vehicles## (1) Ghost 180 Second Respawn (1) Mongoose 45 Second Respawn ++++++Echelon++++++ ++Template Contest++ ##Show Me The Pictures!## Overview::: Here, you see basically just what my pathetic, bolded caption insinuates. The middle structure is comprised of two off-set Double Boxes, which are joined by two Stairs. Atop those Stairs is the Fuel Rod Cannon. To the bottom right of the picture is where the Man-Cannon tower was initially placed. I added another Man-Cannon, surrounded the box with fancies, and now she works every time. The top left is a small shot of the Attacker's spawn area, and the top right features the map's highest playable ground. Players find that to be the most useful spot. And::: This is a shot of the Defender's base area. As you can see, the core elements of the template remain, but with added beauty. The Mongoose to the right works similar to the 'Goose in GhostTown. It is used simply as a quick transport device for a trip of no longer than 4 seconds. The very, very left of the picture shows where the Defender's SniperRifle spawns. Across the way (as shown in the first picture of the thread) is the Attacker's SniperRifle. The initial rush to these Snipers and the battle afterwards replicates that of Narrows. I like to re-create key fight "feelings" and such to make a Custom Map play like a map that Bungie makes. ##Action Shots!## ++++++Echelon++++++ ++Template Contest++ ##Special Thanks## Sharpest: He's the only person who contributed enough to this map to give thanks. Others certainly mentioned errors and what not, but Sharpest actually encouraged me (or...discouraged) to change where I was goin' with the map. Of course, his feelings as of now remain negative concerning the map's success, but he's pretty much negative about everything. That's what keeps me striving to make something better. Thanks, bro. Again, the link to DL=]
^^What the f**k is wrong with you? Your an ass hole just defy. Anyway an outstanding map. Just excellent. The interlocking and geomerging is superb. One thing I don't like is the sentinel beam. Nothing wrong with it but I just dislike it in competitive maps.
Thank you. +Rep Lulz, thanks for the comment. I can sympathize with the Sentinel Beam comment. This is the first map I've created that really suited one, though; so, I had to venture.
This map is pretty awsome. The consistant geomerging is definitly a plus. Im glad the best part of the map isnt the template part. I like the A signs around the lift. And the rest of the geomerging is very well done. over all 91/100
Ok, someone should delete that post and warn him or something. On to the map: First off, its awesome to see you back, dented! You had so many awesome maps before this one, and although this may not be your best, it blows tons of other maps out of the water. As usual, the interlocking and geomerging is ridiculously amazing. I especially like how you remade the lift structure to make it more symettrical. Also, it looks like a map that is not too cramped or too open, and it looks like the ghost would not be too overpowering. The structures all look very unique and seem to fit the map very well. I am for sure going to download this, and most likely keep it on my HD for a long time. I hope this post means you are gonna start making maps again! EDIT: For Tydo, be more descriptive, right now you are just coming off as an asshole. EDIT (2): Also, I forgot to mention that the post itself is awesome, too, as usual. Crazy colors. EDIT (3)!: He's not past the deadline, its Nov. 6th
i really like the map! it seems out standing! i mostly like how you put some "one of a kind" type of stuff in it. it seems soo... ? hmmm.... im not sure what to call it but i know its a really good map and has my dl. thanks if i can think of it ill post it. ps: i just seen the template contest thing i remember that contest. but i think your a bit past the dead line (if you like contest look at the one in my siggy)
this looks kind of sloppy but i didnt play this yet so i cant tell.well the map looks alittle open and probably get shot easily. make a version 2 with more stuff on the map.
What in the world is sloppy about it and you cant say a map is open because the pics look that way download it and see for your self. also open maps arent bad. Most MLG maps are open and too much cover is worse then not enough cover
Thanks a lot, man. I still feel that the best part of the map is the template, lulz, but I'm actually glad to have someone disagree with me. The A signs are accompanied by Fence Walls (on top). Their purpose is to prevent a player from shooting far left or right, if he enters the Man-Cannon lift from the side. 1: Thanks a lot. I'll be trying to make more maps. What's slowed me down is turning 18, leaving school, and entering the work field. I leave my house around 5:30 each morning, and I'm not home 'til 7-8 that night. That pretty heavily dampers my time. 2: Who the hell is Tydo? Lulz. I haven't seen anyone with that name post yet. 3: Thanks. I actually had to re-color my font from blue to red because of the skin update. I'm coping. Thanks for the oddly complimenting post, lulz. Hope you enjoy. Actually, your first sentence (sentence?) contradicts itself. To say that it is open is somewhat of a contributive thought, but to follow with "get shot easily" just nullifies the whole bit. I'm pretty sure, if you pull the right trigger, the gun (usually) shoots. That's pretty "easy" in my book. Nonetheless, I appreciate your mistaken response.
this looks like a realy good map very neat geomerging and interlocking looks like gameplay is good looks a little bit to open but thats fine I wish I could download but I am out of space but nice map looks fantastic
Ha, ok where did that come from. I like this map, It has a beautiful layout and looks like one of the maps taht has amazing gameplay. Nice job on the aesthetic appearances and good job with setting up the post. 93/100
okay whats amazing is how people who you wouldnt think you can forge (doesnt mean you) are able to take a small premade section and turn it into a work of art! anyways back to the feedback. as it has been said the sentinal beam is a little iffy but hey its your map and one last thing is that the last picture in your post, that area look a little empty it could be just a small fix so you could put a crate or dumpster there or sometin like that. in the end this map has great qualities and the interlocking and geomerging are great, so i am looking forward to your future maps if you keep this up
It's still awful. <3 But don't worry people. I hate everything, and I happen to hate this map much less than a lot of the other pieces of trash out there. Through my wise guidance he has turned a trash template in to a trash map, in to a slightly less trash map. What a great guy.
Now my turn to review or whatnot. The map went from too open in the beginning when I first saw it to way too cluttered, making the Ghost useless. The top part is too commanding. I know you took out the equipment from the sides, but it still has way too much of an advantage. The mancannon can still fail. The bridge tower thing still looks bad. It's easy to get out of the map. Too much equipment in my opinion. Mongoose to completely pointless. The map is too small for the Goose to have a purpose, unlike Ghost Town. Some weird spawns in objective games. I hate it. But I <3 You. And it's not a bad map, really. Despite all the things I say. <3
Nice This is one of the best entries i've seen for the template contest.Good work.I like all the geomerging and the star shaped statue.I know a lot of people do that but its still cool.Your choice of weapons is nice too.
Man, you never disappoint. Normally, I dislike template maps, but you just changed my mind. I PROMISE i wont forget the review, this time, like i did with regency. The FH in the wall is phenomal, and the Fuel Rod Gun and Sentinel Beam were a bit of a stretch together, but im sure itll work. N33ds moar interlocking 2/5 kthxbi JK, For now a 5/5. Still wont top Regency Cheers! Desert Rat 852
I really like this map. It seems to have good flow, and a ghost, which is always a plus for me. However, as the rather blunt Sharpestt said, you can get outta the map. You can grenade/flare jump onto the box in the crane, and then jump from there to the top of the bridge column and then on the fence boxes at the edge of the map. An easy solution for this would be to put up something on top of the box in the crane to stop the initial jump, or just continue the bridge wall to the ceiling. Fix the escapability and you have a really good map on your hands. 7/10
Wow, an amazingly good-looking map. The interlocking and geo-merging look well done. It seems to me that it has a good "feel". I think game play probably is really fun. I really want to try this.
For a first map, I must say its nicely layed out. You went with the MLG style of map which is obvious to anyone, I myself honestly am not much of a fan of the original style of MLG maps.. I love it when a forger will go outside the box and the mainstream of a typical competitive map. Its a bit open in a few areas that could have used an Aesthetic touch for some Cover... Boxes, Barrels, Pallets... something of that nature to hind from bullets. On the brighter side I loved the Geomerging and the Interlocking is some of the cleanest Ive seen especially if this is your first map. I do believe youve spent a good deal of time reading over some Forging101 notes, or ya had some fantastic GoO advice. + Rep 4/5 Keep on Forgin.