I really dislike photoshop and i feel that it's overused. Its photoshop because its for editing PHOTOS that already exist, not creating. I only work with Adobe Illustrator of the CS package and edit little details and do little effects in photoshop. Most people hate it, but it's my medium of choice. Illustrator has more of a practical use in the world of graphic design and you'll very rarely use photoshop if that's what you want to go into. Here are some of my Adobe Illustrator creations: This was the first thing i created from scratch in Illustrator. Yes, purple eskimos. [img width=547 height=800]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u40/corduroychuck/NorwayPosterFinished.jpg[/img] I feel i really portrayed the peace and tranquility of Norway here. It's made in a 13 x 19 poster size so it has a low quality here, the actual poster is crystal clear. [img width=547 height=800]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u40/corduroychuck/ABORGHESEDOUBLEFEATURE.jpg[/img] ^FTW FTW FTW! This is my favorite thing i've ever made. It combines the power of both Photoshop and Illustrator to create this work of art (70% illustrator). It's supposed to be 13 x 19 so its a little hard to read here. Tell me what you think or post your own Illustrator works. Or if you really want to show off your photoshop stuff then i guess you can...
That is awesome. You show a talent for illustration style artwork and advertisement. I however love photoshop... I made this from scratch although I am not sure if it would have been better if I had first started with illustrator
I love them both, although I am way better at photoshop. (aka dont know anything about the little "AI" icon that sits on my dock) My entire adobe suite just dissapered, so I dont really have anywhere to experiment.
Rusty, it probably would have taken you a lot less time to do it in illustrator. The eyes look a little flat and lifeless but it's cool, maybe a gradient or shine on the eyes could fix that. Or have the flame reflecting into each eye or something. With the flame it kind of reminds me of something i made a few weeks ago: its a butterfly... on fire. lol. it took me about an hour and a half using only Illustrator. A friend of mine made a Chicago poster about a year ago that was amazing, 100% illustrator. I'll get that and post it on this thread later.
Nice burning butterfly, well I don't feel like updating the candle, but whatever. I know I am not the best at it, and I don't have the time to practice, but when I get a mac, I will be photoshop king! Seriously though create a good resume and apply at an advertising agency, if you are not already doing that sort of thing.
Nice images, I use Illustrator almost every day for work. As a AS3 developer it basically works hand in hand with flash and flex builder...
thanks morphine. You're a great example of illustrator having more of a practical use in the job world. Here is something i made with an even combination of illustrator photoshop, and pencil and paper: [img width=574 height=800]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u40/corduroychuck/final_project.jpg[/img] it's slightly a little distorted like the rest of the posted images.
Illustrator drives me nuts, I prefer photoshop but all I have atm is Illustrator. I have made some fairly decent things with it. I actually made my business cards in Illustrator.
i made some halo medals for fun on illustrator, then moved it to photoshop to add some small details, i really like it and hope to learn more about it, just started using it maybe 5 days ago
I want to learn illustrator, because I saw some awesome vector stuff in it. Does anyone know where I can find some tutorials?
the biggest problem people have with illustrator is working with shapes as opposed to lines. Illustrator is all about shapes and editing them with the pen tool by making and moving around anchor points. The best way to learn it is to play around with it. It's a much simpler program than photoshop. vector based images is sooo much easier to work with. They are all part of CS, so they are made to work with each other. You have the right idea. The only challenging part is learning how to export images.
Thank, I like vectors. I will try it. *edit* I made it! Here it is: [img width=800 height=500]http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/6610/attid0338f3fdfif1.jpg[/img] Do you like it?