
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Adelyss, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Creator: Adelyss

    Crescendo: An increase in dynamics that builds up over some length of time.

    Download Crescendo

    Version 1.1 Fixes
    Move some spawns that were really high up to the ground making only the Curbstomp like structures have spawn points on them


    I will tell you right off the bat this map was inspired by Curbstomp, only in with the cat walk structures and the mound underneath them.

    This map took me roughly 16-17 hours to create through the forging and testing and re-forging, and I must say it turned out pretty good. The overall feel of the map was supposed to be a forerunner construction site, with the cranes if you would call them and the pillars. The main pillar does have a switch in it, its a basic switch but what it does is that when you grab the custom power up at the bottom it blows up around 4-5 pallets and makes them spawn around the pillar acting like steps to get the the top. You now can climb up to get a really high height advantage on your opponents.

    Weapon List

    Battle Rifle 5x, 20 Seconds, 2 Clips
    Plasma Pistol 1x, 90 Seconds
    Plasma Rifle 2x, 60 Seconds
    SMG 2x, 90 Seconds, 2 Clips
    Spiker 2x, 60 Seconds, 2 Clips
    Magnum 2x, 45 Seconds, 2 Clips
    Sniper 1x, 150 Seconds, 1 Clip
    Needler 1x, 120 Seconds, 2 Clips
    Carbine 2x, 60 Seconds, 2 Clips

    Frag Grenades 4x, 20 Seconds
    Plasma Grenades 4x, 30 Seconds

    Bubble Shield 1x, 120 Seconds
    Power Drain 1x, 120 Seconds
    Gravity Lift 1x, 120 Seconds

    Crescendo Plays best with 3v3-4v4, though all game types are supported



    Power Drain Corner

    Attackers Spawn Overview

    Defenders Spawn Overview

    Arch Corner

    Attackers Spawn, A Closer Look

    How the Switch works

    Switch not Activated, to activate it you must go to the bottom of the pillar and grab the custom power up, when you grab the power up it lets a fusion coil go and blows up 5 pallets. Now since the pallets are on a max-min switch the pallets are force spawned around the pillar.

    Now the pallets are spawned making it possible to jump up around them

    Download Crescendo

    #1 Adelyss, Nov 2, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
  2. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Woooow! This deserves a feature now! This map is very pretty when you look at it.The geomerging and interlocking is awesome.Very nice job.This should be featured.Great jod
  3. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    watch out where you say
    feature now

    Also i think this map looks awesome but for some reason i feel like i have seen this before dont ask me why gamplay looks great and everything looks really neat and the interlocking is superb ill dl and try it out
  4. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow awesome level. Just unbelieveable. Probably one of my favorite FFA maps now. I really like the height that this map has. The weapon set is just perfect too.
    #4 Dr. Chombie, Nov 2, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2008
  5. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    Great job Adelyss, i enjoyed the map everytime we played on it. I remeber when we played Shotty Snipers on this at the WGN acouple weeks ago, it was fantastic.

    Good Job man!
  6. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    This is amazing over all of your past maps. and it has a switch in it!!!!11!!eleven!!!

    And in the wise words of DeathToll77, FEATURE NAO!!!!!!!
  7. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Needs moar interlocking, 2/5. kthxbai.


    Actually, I rather enjoyed this map. I'll be sure to play a more serious game on it and get back to you Adelyss. ;)

    But from what I've seen of it, it's got really well done interlocking/geomerging. Gameplay was pretty fun as well. (even though I can't recall it all that well)... :)
  8. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone, but does anyone have any suggestions...other than Maor Int3rlocking Pl0x?

    Anyways thanks for all the great feedback guys.
  9. itsmebiff

    itsmebiff Ancient
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    dude i must say this is one great map. i really liked the interlocking and merging 4/5
    the layout is creative too 4/5
    this looks like a good slayer and objective map
    from the pics shown it looks like your put a really good amount of work in this map. this is a very good looking map this definetely has got my download.. great work
    keep up the good forging
  10. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    This map is pretty sweet.

    The switch is defintely a plus.

    The only thing i would probaly suggetst ist to interlock and/or geomerge the bridges so they line up with the end of the stairs. so they dont have the ends hanging off which i think is kinda weird.

    Also i would make sure your spawns on the defenders side are effected when some one is on the bridges so they cant spawn rape them.
  11. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    Truthfully the switch looks a little useless considering it creates a jump that you have to nail five jumps in a row which dont look really easy. I think whoever tries it will fall or get shot off. That's the only negative thing i saw still dled
  12. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    This map looks pretty awesome, the high walkways above make me think there should be more cover below...
    it still looks awesome, and i love the stairs thing all over.
  13. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    This map has some serious potential.
    Great interlocking and geomerging.
    However, it seems like you have to jump everywhere, like thers not enough ramps and stairs.
  14. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Looks cool, reminds me of Hang em' High. One thing I would address though is that in some places it looks like you can get out of the map. If I'm right, fix this if possible, but otherwise good job! 9/10
  15. greenlanternguy

    greenlanternguy Ancient
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    I got to say i wasn't sure about the map at first, I thought it might be too open, but in the end it wasn't too bad and the switch is amazing.
  16. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    well, you seem to have the knack of jacking map designs adelys


    map looks well thought out, well interlocked, geomerged
    whats that brown smudge in the first pic? lol
  17. Specs136

    Specs136 Ancient
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    This map looks well thoughtout. Good job! 4.5/5 (i like the pallet idea)
  18. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I see you like the stair-bridge structures that originated from thesilencebroken and BlazeIsGod's map, Bayonetwork, lol. Anyway looks like a sweet FFA map and you made a good use with your awesome switches. This map kinda reminds me of the map, The Mechanar. Good job and keep making maps!
  19. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    They Thanks everyone, Yes I combined the Bridge and Stair thing to give it more of a non power forerunner type place...idk though if it really does.

    @Mike its impossible to get out of the map, I have tried so myself hundreds of times, had other "Really good HLG people" try to get out and you can't :)
  20. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Its impossibel because of the invisible map barriers. they are up half way on the side edge trim thing that you can walk on

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