Suggestions and ideas for High Voltage

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GD27 BlueDevil, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    As some of you know I am making a map called High Voltage. BlazeisGod is the Cocreator and this is what it is so far.

    I want to hear your ideas and suggestions to help us make it the best it can be. This is not advertizing. I am simply wondering what the good people of FH say about our map. So please, don't hesitate to make a suggestion!

    The stuff on the ground that looks a bit random is just for the budget glitch. Don't pay attention to it. They will all be used by the time this project is complete.

    VID BY sdrakulich
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    sdrakulich is my name...

    BTW, stop concentrating on geo's and work on better gameplay...
  3. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I am. I was looking for dezigns to make gameplay unique.
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    dont look for them dude, make them up. Its not cool if you steal map designs from other players...
  5. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I am just seeing what other people have to say. I was also wondering what they think of the map so far! Relax.
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Draw out the layout first. Try to design it with EVERY aspect in mind. If you place a weapon in a certain area, what effects will that cause? How will players instinctively travel in your map?

    Try to avoid areas that could cause camping. Provide players with multiple levels and directions/routes.

    You worry too much about doing the craziest stuff you can, and when it comes down to it, it makes your maps worthless.

    Focus on layout and gameplay, and add aesthetics in as you're building.

    The simpler the better.
  7. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    You need **** gd, get the ****
  8. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I like the idea but to me there is one thing that really stands out. The lines of sight.

    Say you seperated your map by height. Say that foundry is 20 ft tall. The bottom five to ten feet have nice lines of sight, or so it seems, but once you hit the middle height, there is nothing to get in the way of your lines of sight. If you get to a high point you will be able to see 90% of the map. You should somehow block the upper lines of sight a bit. My suggestion is making your structures in the middle taller, like three or four boxes height, and then a person who gets up high won't be able to completely dominate. You do have some very tall structures, they are just on the outer edges of the map.

    Do you get what I am saying?
  9. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    You mean the one in my pants? What do you mean?

    Good advice Silence. Repz for you!
  10. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i think you had too many 1 sides routs, like the long catwallks, and the top tunnel. dont decide the players movement for them. make many areas for the player to go from one way to the other, with a few strategic jumps, you know, a flowing layout. imagine the wind turbine on the car commercials, where the visible wind curves around the car, now imagine that in your map, adn make it vast, and comlex (which isnt for all maps but for this one i think would be good) for an always good decision on the players part. also your middle structure seems kinda random if you ask me.
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    your talking to me right? ok let me try to explain.
    Here is the floor of your map:


    C - is the highest
    c - is the third highest
    A - is the second highest
    a - is the lowest
    Now here is the structures you have and their relative height to one another as to where they are placed: The middle stands for the middle of your map and it spreads outwards from there.


    Looking at the above diagram, your more taller structures are on the outside edges of your map, where as you smaller structures are on the inside of the map. This makes it so if you get at a high point, you will see 90% of the map.

    Heres another diagram:


    Now, with this diagram, the height of the structures is somewhat evenly spaced. It allows long and short lines of sights in different positions, but one area doesn't have more than another area, thus making no spot too overpowering. If you get to a hight point, there are high points right by it so you won't be able to see as far, thus making high points not overly powerful as well.

    This is what I believe your map lacks as of now.

    Get it now?
  12. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Thanks Mettalic and Dimmest. You guys are really helping me perfect this. Can you test it with me later? Like Late next week (when I asume it will be ready)
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    surely, I should be on. PM me when you have a more set time, and I will make sure that i'm on. can't wait to see it.

    PS. Glad you understood it, cause I didn't have a different way to tell you without showing actual pictures.
  14. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Remember to tell me when you are going to test it k? On a side note, give the attackers a power weapon. Before, I'm pretty sure the defenders had a shotgun on code impulse, and it was overpowered.
  15. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    I agree. There seem to bee a lot of high and low structures and not a whole lot inbetween. Maybe if you just put in some more medium size structures to let people jump up and to limit the site more
  16. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    put a house in the middle...

    i think you should put a fountain in the middle seriously.

    ignor the house part im not on my pills today.
  17. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    Looks like a great map. I really like the mix of high and low ground and spots. The geomerging and interlocking you have in this map is very original and will bring new ideas for maps. Though some of the area looks very open. Maybe you might put some more aesthetics there or something. But it does look good and I cant wait to see it when it is finished.

    All the Best,
  18. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    It started as a remake of Code Impulse but it is turning into something different. Better to be honest. My adapter is screwed up and I'm buying a new one tomorrow. Because of this, I can't send you an FR to test until later this week.

    Can you send me an FR?

    If anyone else is reading this please send me an FR as well. I am on Bl00d F1r3 and Tex's friend list if you guys are to lazy to type my name lolz!
  19. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Inside one of the armories, where the fencewall is geomerged, it looks like that was stolen aesthetic from Linu's map. I'm not accusing you or Blaze, maybe that how it went naturally. As many others have said, less aesthetics, more gameplay. Right now, it looks like you guys just created random **** and ballend into one map. None of the structures match, gameplay-wise. You can't have an open area and then a floating walkway. Its just unnatural. Try to increase the elevaion in other parts of the map. Its called High Voltage, add some altitude raising structures or build onto others.

    Also, High Voltage sounds like someone is getting electricuted or something. Try to add something as aesthetics that look electric. (i,e, A structure with a slit and shield doors places in the unreachable slit. Shield Doors could also make or break the gameplay in a given area, choose wisely.

    How far along is this map anyways?
  20. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    The fencebox geomerge was half accident and half on purpose. I infact made that geomerge and I was in private chat with Linubudix himself.

    I am very good friends with him and I would never take credit for his ideas or dezigns.

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