(Bigger picture of the one above) The Battle Room is a Team BR map within a giant room. You start off with your team and you drop down to the first floor and either wait for the other team to come to you or you can just rush out and attack anyone who is open. There are no weapons on the map because you should spawn with a BR and a Magnum. Here is a Quick sketch of what the map looks like from a birds eye view: From the sketch above you can see that there are four spawn rooms, which like like this in forge: What you see when you spawn: The back of the spawns: (you shouldn't see this because you should just go strait down...) After you drop down, you will come to two open single boxes with a Shield Door blocking the incoming bullets that may be fired toward you. If you choose to go out into the main room, you will see something like this: Bottom of the room: (Yes that is a Purple Power up!) Top of the room: Now if you get bored while you wait for the noobs to come down from their spawn room because they didnt follow the rules... You can look up at the center! The map right now only supports Four teams and each team can support up to Five players. The Game Type for this map is called BR War ("BR War on The Battle Room") (The Game Type is: 1 life, normal shields, 2 Grenades, and BR and Magnum.) (Game Type can also be played with out Grenades) Download The Map Download The Game Type Map was made by: Cyan Laser and had help from: o PaperTowel I don't really know how much time was put into the map but I would say about ... 4 hours. By the way, this was my first map posted on Forge Hub and my second post. Now time for some random action pictures! Also! ... The Noob In Action: Please... Don't be a noob
Hmm, this map could use a v2... the shield doors scare me. It might make the game into a camp-fest...you should either lower them so you could throw grenades over them, or just remove them completely, honestly..... Also, add at least a LITTLE more cover around, like at least a pallet being held up by nodes or something... if you don't do that, at the very LEAST, a MUST HAVE is some sort of mechanism (probably grav lifts or something) that pushes teams out of their little spawn holes. Aside from that, this actually seems a little bit interesting.......also, the idea of 16 Spartans jumping down a small little hole at the same time makes me laugh inside =/ I guess it's worth the DL, just to know what it's like......
well i personally think this is amazing. very, very, very rarely do people get interlocking so perfect on their first map (unless you were banned before anyway, i agree, a v2 would help. for one thing, try to make camping not an issue. what i mean is, someone could camp a spawn and wait for someone to drop down. it also need slight cover, or else there is no strategy, and its just whoever get the first shot wins
Wow, this map is really fun, although it's not fun with like, 4v4 and all, me and my friends played a 3v3 game, and we had fun, and you don't really camp behind the shield doors much, because there's no shotgun or mauler, so yeah. The only probably is the upper-story camping, which gets quite irritating. Overall all I can say is force the nubs out of the roof, and add a little more cover on the bottom (Barrier, fence wall, and such.) 4/5, great job!
I think that this map is very well made, it has very smooth and clean interlocking and seems like a lot of fun to play on. The only thing i would suggest is putting some more things in the center only because just running in and killing eachother takes away from some of the fun. Other then that very very nice 4/5
i love this map its simple yet has a complex stratagy. the only problem is that you should have a way to kill the people who don't leave there spawn (timed explosions?) everything else is amazing though.
get some grav lifts to redirect the people into a man can down the whole and "The map right now only supports Four teams and each team can support up to Five players." but if you have four teams of five that would be 20 people not cool i really like the spawn points of a starating room
Wow, I'm getting some good comments about this! Thank you! One of the main reasons why i didnt put much cover in the center was because my original idea was to have a Completely empty room to fight in. Later, after I made the roof, o PaperTowel joined and said that i should put two walls directly into the center. (The Purple Power Up inside the walls is basically my new way of saying that it was a map made by me.) Also if you didnt read about the game type, it was made for 4 teams of 2 (2 Vs 2 Vs 2 Vs 2), but i added 3 more spawns to each room just in case someone would try with bigger teams. Relating to the Game type, you can also try playing without the Grenades, or changing the time limit? (its at 3 minutes right now ... I forgot to mention that in my first post) For the Noob camping areas one idea I have had (and MANY people have suggested) was to use Gravlifts. If i do put them in, i would have to have one Gravlift in the back and two ManCanons in the front that would spawn after 20 seconds. One of my thoughts on this was that the ManCanons would not affect the people standing on the very edge? Do you (the people of Forge Hub) think it would work? Edit: The map can support four teams with five players each basically is say that each team has 5 spawn points. There is no way (unless there are mods that i don't know about yet) to have four teams with five players each. What you could do though, is have one team with 5 players and have the other teams with less players (yes i know its uneven but some people will still do it).
Looks like a great arena map. Great map make. Looks like it can get pretty crazy in that main room, Great fun though.
looks very good although not that original, i would suggest geomerging the open boxes into the ground to stop grenades from slipping through, also whats stopping people from just staying in there shield door box if you have 2 people in 1 then they could automatically beat down anyone that entered also the top room like someone else has said needs to have a way to force people out of it if they just stay up there the hole game obviously the interlocking is very very good
it looks pretty nice w/ the layout i recomand forcing the ppl to get down... nice map tho make a v.2 clean up some of it and then i prob. would download also maybe give it something to take it away from a simple design... other than that the map looks good nice job...
is this based on the battle room from the book Ender's Game? mabey have gravlifts push people out of spawn rooms into the hole good interlocks and aethetics
No this is not based of the Battle Room from Ender's Game, but i did get the name from the book. Wow, you just gave me a map idea!
Meh, while minimalism is usually something I heavily approve, this appears to be to look...naked, almost. It's just so bare. There's a giant plus sign in the middle...and...? While the design might be good for a room within a larger map, it doesn't appear to me like it could stand on its own for any sort of replay value.
Ok, I have had some thoughts on the V2. I know of some ways of cleaning up the dropdown area and some other things but my main idea was for getting people to stop hiding up in the spawn room. I thought of the idea after reading Mavcev's post. The idea is to have about 7 or 8 fusion coils appear in the spawn room after 20 seconds, and have one of them just off the edge so you can see it and shoot it. Please tell me what you think of this idea?
This map has a great layout and excellent gameplay, but it look like some of the edges and fusion were rushed out, and, as a result, you have some sloppy edges and holes in the walls kicking around on the sides. Patch up these holes and earn yourself some extra points, but otherwise 7/10
geomerging loks flawless...looks like it could use a little bit of cover...please PLEASE!!! don't put ar's in the gametype because it takes away all of the fun because you won't get more than 1 kill at a time...looks great though 5/5
There is no AR in the game type, it's only BR and Magnum. (also, I said this before but the drop down areas in the V2 look a lot better with no gaps at all)