Skull Name: Medieval Skull Description: MJOLNIR MARK-ETH VI PLATE ARMOR-ETH Skull Color/Design: Rusty Bronze. A SPARTAN II MARK VI Helmet, with an ancient Spartan red helmet crest Skull Location: Kill the Arbiter twice on any mission, then pick up his energy sword while he is dead. Or, pick up an Energy Sword or Gravity Hammer on any mission. Skull Effect: All Allies, including yourself, are now wearing medieval plate armor, use longswords, battle hammers, shields, bows and arrows, spears, javelins, pikes, halberds, axes, flails, maces, and crossbows. All Enemies now use medieval leather armor, and all the same weapons as your Allies. Skull Dificulty: Depends on how good you are at parrying, attacking, and maneuvering with your new (or rather, old) weapons.
Skull name: Swordy Skull description:The Sword shipment is here! Skull color: Silver Skull location: Halo, in front of the ramp that leads to Forward Unto Dawn. Skull effect: Every enemy has swords. Skull difficulty: Easy- making it 2x as hard; Normal- making it 4x as hard; Heroic- making it 5x as hard; or Legendary- making it 10x as hard. Difficulty in effect becomes: Super Mythic
Skull name: Flying Lessons Skull Description: I can fly! Skull Color: Silver Skull Location: Inside any Pelican just look to your left and pick it up Skull Effect: Able to fly and jack Pelicans and Phantoms Skull Difficulty: Idk its for fun Skull name: BFG Skull Description: Youve got to be kidding me Skull Color: Silver Skull Location: On the head of any Scarab Skull Effect: Able to jack and control a Scarab Skull Difficulty: Would make the mission easy wouldnt it haha If only mine were real. *sigh*
Skull name: Intensify Skull info: Where did these guns come from? Skull location: The Covenant, one ODST drops it Skull effect: Makes every weapon have double the normal ammo, double the normal rate of fire, and half the normal reload time. The downside is that enemies have these bonuses too. Skull Difficulty: silver
Skull name: King Kong Skull Description: This makes hunters look small Skull Color: Rainbow Skull Location: INside the arbiter, you have to figure out how to get it out Skull Effect: Makes you the size of king kong Skull Difficulty: impossible
Skull Name: Mene Skull Description: MJOLNIR MARK-ETH VI PLATE ARMOR-ETH Skull Color/Design: Rusty Bronze. A SPARTAN II MARK VI Helmet, with an ancient Spartan red helmet crest Skull Location: Kill the Arbiter twice on any mission, then pick up his energy sword while he is dead. Or, pick up an Energy Sword or Gravity Hammer on any mission. Skull Effect: All Allies, including yourself, are now wearing medieval plate armor, use longsword, battle hammers, shields, bows and arrows, spears, javelins, pikes, halberds, axes, flails, maces, and crossbows. All Enemies now use medieval leather armor, and all the same weapons as your Allies. Skull Difficulty: Depends on how good you are at parrying, attacking, and maneuvering with your new (or rather, old) weapons.
Skull name: Hot Potato Skull description: Think with you hands. Skull color:Silver Skull location: In the high edges of the level Halo. Skull effect: You have to keep moving/shooting at all times or you will have to start the level over. If on co-op, if one person stops moving/shooting, you will revert to last-save. Skull difficulty: Very Difficult
Skull name: Cowpoke Skull description: Yeehah. Go snag some dogies. Skull color: Neon pink. Skull location: On top of one of the ruins at the beginning of Tsavo Highway Skull effect: Start with Plasma Pistol and Magnum with infinite ammo. Weapon pickup disabled. Grenades and equipment are normal. Skull difficulty: *hurls controller against wall*
Skull name: No clue Skull description: Where is it!!? Skull color: [CLASSIFIED] Skull location: On the other side of the ring where you fight 343 and only on legendary, after beating 343. Skull Effect: All enemies have camo better than 'good'
Skull name:Falcoooon Skull descriptionunch! Skull color: silver Skull location: Kill a scarab on legendary using only melee for the whole level Skull effect: Gives you insta kill beatdowns Skull difficulty: score X 0.5
Skull name:B3NW'S UB3R SECRUT SKULL! Skull description: ITS A SECRUT!!1!!! Skull color: UB3R (YES ITS A COLOUR, BUT ITS SECRUT!) Skull location: The place you would never think of, guilty spaks house! Skull effect: Nothing, its for sentimental value. Skull difficulty: score X 1337
Skull name: THE skull. Skull description: The skull to own all skulls. Skull color: Neither Gold nor Silver yet both. Skull location: Centre of Earth (You have to slowly dig down with an assault rifle, or use a super secret trick to get a scarab and use it as a mining platform.) Skull effect: All skulls are activated (Yes even B3NW's UB3R SECRUT skull) Skull difficulty: All skull difficulties stacked.
YouTube - Do You Know The Muffin Man??? NOT THE, NOOO, NOT THE. THE ... THE SKULLL! The skull difficulty it like mythic, sept harder. OOHHH EMM GEEE!
Skull name: Beat skull Skull description: So you think your mike tyson Skull color: gold Skull location: Behind the monkeys on serria 117. Skull effect: you can only beat down and all enemies can only throw grenades Skull difficulty: x3
Skull name: Knock Out Skull description: Give 'em a right hook Skull color: Silver Skull location: Inside the Scarab on 'The Storm' (inside the opening beneath the eye-cannon) Skull effect: Only Melee attacks are effective Skull difficulty: 3.5x EDIT: ?? sorry, i didn't see the post above me :S
Skull name: Dracula Skull description: SUCK ON MY BIG. RED. BLOOD!!! Skull color: Silver Skull location: On Floodgate inside the Crashed Flood ship Skull effect: Drains Your Shields, To recharge Them you have to Kill Enemies. Skull difficulty: Hard. If you go too long without killing enemies, You Will Die Skull Name: Mutants Skull Description: Don't Laugh! I WAS BORN THIS WAY! Skull Color: Gold Skull Location: Search in the toilets in Crow's Nest for it Skull Effect: Gives Player One Dual Energy Swords, Player Two Gets A Splazer with Infinite Ammo, Player Three Gets Infinite Firebombs, Player Four Gets A Gravity Hammer. Also, All AI Become Flood
I thought this was stupid at first, but it's actually pretty awesome. Skull Name: Horde Skull Description: The Covenant could use some extra help. Skull Effect: Triples the amount of enemies on every level. Skull Color: Silver Skull Location: On top of a stack of containers on the indoor part of "The Storm". You'll need to climb and jump a lot to get there. Skull Difficulty: Hard - 3x (duh). Skull Name: Gravity Skull Description: I was attacked by a clan of moon kangaroos. Skull Effect: Makes everyone in the game have 50% gravity. Skull Color: Silver Skull Location: On the bottom level on the tower on "Halo", under the ramp up to the second level. (Appears only after you've defeated the Monitor). Skull Difficulty: None - Fun!
Skull Name: I would have been your Mother Skull Description: But your Father was already married Skull Effect: Makes everyone talk in Old English Skull Color: Silver Skull Location: youve gotta jump through the rings on the third to last mission to make the zelda theme song Skull Difficulty: None
here's three: skull name: your momma skull description: you're momma's so... skull effect: makes all AI tell crappy your mom jokes instead of relevant speech (including cortana!) skull color: silver skull location: on top of the pelican at the end of sierra 117 skull difficulty: none skull name: Phailure skull description: epic fail, my friend skull effect: gives all enemies relevant upgrades to their weapons (carbine to beam rifle, plasma pistol to plasma rifle, AR to BR, etc.) skull color: gold skull location: tsavo highway, inside the first wraith you fight (have to destroy the wraith and the skull will appear in the driver's seat) skull difficulty: 3x skull name: bowser skull description: yay, mario! skull effect: all charachters (ai, player) become their mario equivalents; grunts are goombas, elites are yoshis (or yoshii...), MC is get the picture. skull color: silver skull location: jump through the rings to make the mario theme song! skull difficulty: none
Sull Name: Boomerang Skull Description: It always comes back Skull Effect: All grenades thrown arc back to the throwing point Skull Location: On the soft invisible wall under the Citadel Skull Color: Silver Skull Difficulty: None