down load here game variant supports FFA ,team slayer, king of the hill, ctf, assault and territories... the map supports asymmetrical and symmetrical game types... i fixed the ugly boundary's getting rid of the man-cannons and the teles replacing the with bridges and walls... i added more hight leveled jumps some making a small impact on the map and others quit bigger the second cat walks with the bridge i also gave some coverig... now the time for the only thing peeps look at added covering added little corner jumps bigger jumps with the highest one in back leading to the top of the structure i added about two more jumps that arnt included in the pictures the kinda big or med size i really dont know this should be the finale version... again the map down load link game link is at the top
Good interlocking and geomerging. You have some pretty unique and cool ideas as well. Cool map. 8.4/10
nice map i like what you did with it all but i think you could have done better than this. although i like what you did with the fence walls for floors or atleast for looks.
This looks great. I always loved the"bridges stickin out of the boxes" idea. It looks kinda open but I understand that its for the Ghost. I like the slanted walls along the bridge on the wall, it gives an "anti-grenade" effect. I also like the door steps in the back. 4/5 from me but you should post a weapons list with respawn times an spare clips amount.
The aesthetics on this map are phenomenal, but its the gameplay im worried about. I haven't a very fun map that has a fusion rod shooter thing (covenant r.l. - cant remember the name) that is fun yet. im sorry, but the power weapons on this map might be a little to plenty. y'know? im just making a suggestion, you don't have to listen to me at all. but again, great job on the aesthetics, the door stairway along the wall is great.
i used 4 power weapons 3 if you dont count a flamethrower on a big size foundry map i made it so all the power weapons have long respawns and low ammo count i gave all the not as effective weapons shorter respawns but dint change the ammo
This map looks very nice. I understand that you have to keep it open for the ghost, but in my opinion you shouldn't have one on the map. The interlocking and geo merging are top notch, and it looks like you put alot of work into this map. I think using the doors as stairs is a unique idea to. Great job and keep up the good work. 4.6/5