This is the second in my newly formed series of creations. This is Jinx. You may remember him from the original Banjo Kazooie game. He even has a room inside. Enjoy. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download there.
... Nice you used some interlocking and some thinking. Yah for thinking! I would suggest making a playable version, for maybe KOTH! I t might just play good. Keep forging and put your skills towards more competitive and serious maps! Nice post btw. -Irish
I have made some competitive maps, i will be posting them soon. I just wanted to put this and Clanker up.
This doesn't exactly look like a sphinx, just because the nose is way to long, isn't the head supposed to be a humans?
Im guessing you like Banjo Kazooie haha. I really like this map and I agree with Chief Wiggums the nose is a little long. And also is the inside just a big room or what? I would like a pic of the inside please. Nice map btw.
its way too boxy looking. If you tried making it bigger and making it more rounded, it would look way better, im not very impressed. 2.5/5
The map you have there looks nice but maybe if you added weapons and different structures around what you have'll have yourself a map
its from banjo & kazooie. (<3 that game!) if u played it ud see. pertty good- u could actually make a map out of this. i also think ur the first one to make a sphinx. congrats. 9/10