Hello. I wont tell you my name, so just call me Soul. yeah. So obviously, i love halo, but also pretty much every other 360 game out there. I like messing around in forge, though im not that good... My other interests are girls, weight lifting, and girls >.> Hopefully, i can befriend some of you. yeah... I guess thats it... My mood during the time i wrote this: Sad. As luck would have it, i stumbled onto Forge Hub 2 days ago, right before the 1v1 sign ups. I signed up and... didnt make it. Oh well
Well hello! 1. Read the rules. (HERE) And try this map post creator (Voodoo's Post Generator) 2. Why are you sad? 3. Yeah... a lot of people missed sign-ups. You can still do this though: A27 ShowDown 4. Happy FORGING!!!