Forgehub: Save Yourself

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by bnasty574, Nov 2, 2008.

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  1. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    I have a write up made just for the off topic section but at the moment I feel no need to share it I see that the site is losing members. This can be good but only if we don't lose too many. If theres only about 2000 active people left than that might actually be pretty good. This sites popularity is driving it down the toilet.
  2. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    If you guys really believe, that I act the way I do and have a "get of out jail free card" everytime for the way I act, you're being mislead.

    I spend most of my time here on forgehub warned than in a regular status. I usually have 2-3 infraction points on average and there are times when yes, I am a douchebag, but i'm usually a douchebag with a joke/reason/support.

    I don't like to brag, but I think i've done a fairly good amount for the community and even though i've got a lot of negatives, I think my pro's outweigh the cons.

    I've helped G&A back in the day and I helped a lot of member back then (refer to the Funkeh Fresh Tags shop era and other related topics) I helped a good number of people back then.

    I participated in the 1v1 Tourney (Which I got 4th place, what a bummer) and overall i've had my moments where people just wished I would leave, but overall I think my presence is overall a positive one.

    If someone would like to retort, just quote my post.
  3. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Things do change. The community was obviously going to grow.

    And why are you guys attacking Vorpal? He is incredibly helpful.
  4. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    To be frank, your cons outnumber your pros by miles.
  5. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Could you list please?

    Not to mention, you've never really liked me at all.
  6. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    I wonder why.
  7. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    uh, why?
  8. TDH

    TDH Ancient
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    I beg to differ.

    From what I've seen G&A is either dead or over run with **** loads of (mostly) poor sigs. I've come to expect very little from the forum.

    I'm not sure if there's a solution to all these problems but I think something needs to happen. I'd also like to note that there really isn't an issue with the member ranks; to be honest I'm pretty sure the people who are complaining about that want a coloured rank themselves.
  9. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Colored ranks do not provide any benefits, what so ever.

    Make this clear to other members.
  10. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    On a side note to something Y35 said about how when Staff members were regular members, they had ideas of ways to benefit Forge Hub. Well believe it or not I was a regular member once, and I had an idea. And it actually happened (Y35 said that the ideas never went through). It was called the AJ Review, it was a post rating system in which the format of the way people posted maps was rated, from description of the map, to good pictures, to just the vibe of "Does this map seem good". Not all of the ideas got stuck in the closet.

    So yah, thats my side note.
  11. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    If we went through and deleted every member with less than 10 posts, how many people would we have here? probably a TON less. Many of those people would be ones that just posted 1 or 2 threads, that just had the title of the map, and the download link. This is all spam, as we know, and spam is what makes this site crazy.
    This is not a suggestion, but if we made it so you had to be selected to join, or had requirements when joined, this would fix TONS of problems with spam/no-show members. Ofcourse, that would not work, mods and others would have to take hours to go through every person wanting to join, and deciding whether or not they are responsible/mature enough to. Also, it would be very easy for them to just make a long message about how they wanted to get in, and tell total lies about how they are mature and other stories that aren't true.
    If we had requirements, it would be much to hard to enforce. Making sure everyone met their quota for the month would make the mods have no time to post on threads, or watch over any of them.
    My conclusion to all of this:
    just try and get those noobs to learn when they join.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    There are plenty of problems with this site. I agree with that statement.

    However, the problem resides in its members. Not the site. I see a full cup of warned and banned members everyday. You guys constantly break rules and push the mods to see what you can get away with. Sharp making alternate accounts to get loyal or respected (whether it was a joke or not). People posting porn, calling people "cunts" for absolutely no reason. Half of you dont follow the rules on posting a map.

    Theres a small clique of people on here that band together and think they are above the law. Mass rep-whoring, abusing the system and ruining it for everyone. Every time i see one of these threads, you all call out the colored members. Remembering a time very close to when i was a normal member, i can say jack **** has changed for me. I've actually become more involved with the site. I see the behind the scenes, and these members arent "corrupt"... They are doing the job assigned to them. You all say you hate establishment, but without it, you'd all wreck everything you have. You'd literally all be without anything. Look at the bungie forums... unpoliced and pure garbage.

    This site isnt gonna get better with the way you all act. If you dont give a **** about the site cause youre a rebel/gangster/douchebag, then leave. I'd ban you instantly if this site belonged to me... because you do nothing but drag the community down. I dont care if you are all 13. Grow up and show some damn respect.

    You all complain of the map section. I agree. Its filled with garbage. The creations lack much thought as of late. People throw together maps without concern. They are merely worried about getting featured. You're all here for the wrong reasons. These positions are a reward for doing the right things all the time NATURALLY, or by building truly awesome maps. Just because you can geomerge a double box into a wall 3/4 of the way in, doesnt mean you have a good map. Interlocking hasnt ruined the community. There are still plenty of members who use it to create genuinely amazing maps. It should be used to further tighten the layout... not create the layout. All maps need a playable design where everything is thought out. Then theres people like PonyD, who are so full of themselves that when they post their maps, its instantly done, and nobody has a right to say what they think of the map unless its to kiss their ass.

    GDBluedevil spends all his time randomly geomerging everything thinking it'll make his maps feature worthy.

    Picceta builds maps with excellent merging... enough to where hes been considered for modding... yet he hasnt the first clue of level design.

    theres many many more. You shouldnt be designing a map in pure hopes of a feature. You should be designing the best map you can possibly make. The feature is a reward for excellence.

    Vinny, anything good you do or have done for this site is isntantly negated when you act out like you do. I am at a loss of why you're still here. You clearly dont care, and that only fuels the sites downfall.

    oh, and Vorpal Saint deserves loyal more than most of you deserve to be a member of this community.
  13. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Quoted for Truth. Especially the part about Vorpal. I don't know why y'all be calling him out.

    He is an extremely helpfull and active member. In the map testing guild he has done so much.
  14. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Let's consider what these guys are saying. After now thoroughly reading each member's reply and post on this thread, I now believe that it may be possible to revive ForgeHub.

    Also, adding rewards or altering the Ranking System to Y35's standards may be very difficult, and will be difficult to receive a positive rank. However, a lot of members will be attempting to help other users if that happens. In other words, everyone will be trying to get a higher rank/reputation/etc. via helping people. This will be in positive in some ways and bad in others.

    I have taken reconsideration, and I believe with a lot of thought process and help from the community, including help from admins/mods, may alter ForgeHub in, hopefully, positive ways.
  15. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    Bnasty you're are just pointing out the flaws of forgehub. What about the good things.

    Matty's latest map,Aperture It offers us great competitiveness and beautiful aesthetics.

    Also Ivory Snake's Xyience has great interlocks and geomerges. And it has great MLG stlyed gameplay.

    There is also the entire set of 2v2 map that look great and play well.

    I'm not just saying this because i dont like you much. So now i have to give the second half of the argument.

    I also agree with you because there are those who just try to make there map look amazing and think it deserves a feature.

    We have Vantage Point by Jslayer. This map has wonderful interlocks and geomerges but it play terribly with its gametype Sharpshooters.

    I have to agree with you that forgehub needs more competitive map but competitive map that play great. Rightnow there are only like a handful of those.
  16. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    members trying to help members to rank up is what happens now anyway.

    Anyway, Marcus or Kenny, please take my name off of there. Y35, I told you before to keep it on, only because I agreed with it, but I didn't realize you kept the part about Vorpal on.

    I seriously don't know why you guys posted these. I thought we were done discussing all that when we ended that huge Skype chat with Tex and Shadow. I agree with you guys completely, in that I wanted to really change the direction we are headed in, but there were reasons I backed out, and then you agreed, but now posted it anyway...

    I said I didn't agree on Vorpal, if the staff believed he is deservent, then he is. I said I didn't think you were going about it the right way. That complaining was not going to help. And especially when you said being banned for it was a risk you didn't care about. Because I don't want to be banned, I just want to help FH. So please take my name off that already... although the thing I typed isn't even in there, so I guess my name shouldn't be on there as it is.

    As for FH. I believe spam is the biggest problem, and that goes to users. It's all users. The newer ones who don't read the rules and then spam. And especially older members, all of us, (because everyone is at fault, not any one person.) Not just the ones who decide they're here long enough to spam and start being a douche, but the ones who don't do anything about it. There are different types of people. The victim, who didn't do anything but is now suffering. The attacker, who is doing the abusing and whatnot to the victim, and the worst type of person there is; the bystander. The person who is there, and sees the attack happen, but does nothing to help it.

    The only victim here is FH itself. The attackers are those who spam it and ruin it with all the fighting, flaming, insulting and crap that goes on. And the bystanders are those who decide: "Im no mod, I cant help." Whereas you can help. Really easily. Essentially, nothing really needs to be done, and this is my view on it. Nothing needs to be changed to FH, no new staff are desperately needed, no upgrade to the site or anything. Just the people in it.

    If you see spam, of any kind, REPORT IT. If you see something happening, like a flame fight or something in a thread, tell a staff member, and they'll help it out. It's the simplest stuff to do, and takes a few seconds, maybe a minute, of your time. Thats it.

    If you say, "Yea I know Zstrike, just report it and all..." Shut up. Most everyone knows that you have to do that, but it's if you actually do that that will tell the truth. You can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink it. Same applies here. It's that ignorance and stand-bying of all the spam and crap going on that is destroying the site.

    It's like the election on Tuesday. If you don't vote, don't complain. You had a chance to state your opinion and didn't, how can you complain. If you see a spam post but don't do anything about it, and then next thing you know that post is 2 weeks old and the same person has gotten away with it, and now it's too late to report the post, who can you complain to?

    That's my view on it. The site doesn't need any renovation, just the people.
  17. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I thought I was done with it also, but now I just don't care. The site is going to die.

    On Vorpal Saint I felt it was too much of a popularity contest. I've never seen him help some one once, or in the TG. Chrstphrrrbrrrn does way much more than I see Vorpal doing, hell even Murdock for that matter. I felt it was un-fair to those members who have been there since the start and get un-reconized because they're 'not as popular'. Though its your site so whatever choices you guys make it happens, I shouldn't be bitching about it. But what even pissed me off more was after receiving loyal his ego changed.

    Listen if this thread keeps going on then I'll write up a whole other story about it. But FH is definitely changing whether it be for the good or the bad its changing. Hell ad some of you can tell my attitude has severely changed on here and my activeness. I think I've posted 10 times in the last 5 days.
  18. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    For the last time... stop ripping on Vorpal. He was given loyal for a reason, that reason being a helpful member in the community. I know him from another site from this one and he's very helpful there as well. He tests maps, gives reviews, helps map makers. Are you doing anything better than that? no, you are not. You're just standing around here complaining that he's loyal.

    so please, for the last time... stop.

    Forge hub is for Halo 3 maps, and it always has been. It's not about off-topic and G&A, it's not about gaining popularity. It's posting maps to share your creation with others as well as get feedback on how your map played and people's opinions on it. The loyals are loyals because they were the ones helping the map creators by giving them so feedback on what was good, what was bad, what can be improved.
  19. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Although I agree with you on the vorpal saint subject, I have to say you are wrong about that last paragraph, highlighted above...

    Yes, Forgehub started as a forum solely about Forge, but truth is, it isn't anymore. Otherwise why would there be a debate forum? Why is there offtopic? Point is, forgehub became a forum about anything that people have fun in talking about whatever they want. Most members don't make maps anymore except the truly dedicated ones, and the newer members. That's why the offtopic forum is such a big deal, and why this is so big. Just want to point that out.
  20. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    If I have an opinion on some one else then why not express it? As long as I'm not insulting them or being rude, I don't see the harm in that.

    And as Piggy said you're wrong about the last part. Forge hub has grown into something more than just maps. If it was solely based on them they wouldn't have all the other forums. And There are many higher ups out there who haven't even made a map, so you are wrong.
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