High Mice Created by: Ancient Goat Productions Download High Mice Download Ground Cats Description Okay so me and Goatnuts420 decided to mix up Cat n' Mouse from the original Valhalla, Standoff, and Avalanche and make High Mice which of course is Cat n' Mouse set up on High Ground. The game plays exactly as the original gametype of Cat n' Mouse but there is only one cat "infected" that starts...since that is only whats allowed on the map. The cat spawn in a room and has to wait 20 seconds to get out which brings them next to their wraith. They must now get in the wraith and drive around and kill all of the mice. The mice "humans" start out in front of their mongooses and they must get on them "If you have 7-13 people playing some of you must double up on a mongoose" and drive around and try to avoid the cat. The rules of the game require some honor rules such as not getting on the wraith "as a human" and trying to bash his brains in...it won't work and you are most likely to get booted. The other honor rule is that the cat must stay in his wraith and not get out and kill the mice. High Mice will only work with players from 3-13, thought it is suggested to play with 7-10 Action Shots Action Picture One Action Picture Two Action Picture Three Download High Mice Download Ground Cats Enjoy the game .
Hey, this actually sounds kinda fun. The map is really simple from what I can see, but cat and mouse sounds fun on a different map than valhalla and foundry. 3/5 because of the +1.5 for using Highgrounds.
whats this a map on highground, and a minigame to what kind of blaphstemy is this! LOL anyway looks really fun but some pictures of the gate would be nice to see if you blocked it off
idk, cat and mouse is a really fun gametype, but there wont be much room for the cat to move on high ground, and the mice can just hide in the base. 2/5
To be honest, I don't really think Cat 'n' Mouse on a medium sized map like High Ground would be that great. I mean, think about it... Also, next time please post more than two pics (two are already the same). Overall, this doesn't deserve the highest score, but you've earned some points for creativity. 6/10
This looks like a pretty good attempt to make a new cat n mouse game.From the pictures it looks like regular cat and mouse which is a good thing.This'll probably be fun to play,nice work
*First off all guys you can not go inside the base* @ Penguin Sorry I didn't really think of showing the blocked off gate, its three crates interlocked together inside the game and then grav-lifts are on top making it impossible to get out. @Rew, actually the main pathway on Highground is just enough to get any cat anywhere on the beach side....it can move around quite easy. @Bah sorry actually do have a third picture i just accidentally put the two of the same, I'll fix that now. @Hand Thanks, It actually is more fun than you think...it plays just a like a normal cat n' mouse game does...so.
First thing, good wholesome post! The idea is not original = -points for me! I like this gametype on this map it looks interesting. Try to make maps that show your creativity, as this one only has a tank or two with some mongooses, as far as I can see! So good post and sorta new idea. -Irish
this looks fun, but cant the mice drive into the room with the pipe, or another room and be safe the entire time? or did you block the rooms off?
I did block off the pipe . Don't worry me and Goatnuts420 tested, tested, and tested some more to fix all the flaws....The only problem that we couldn't fix was the VERY RARE of getting hit in a mongoose and getting shot over the wall...considering we built the wall as high as we could with all of our supplies. It was the best we could do.