Battle: Description: Battle is a fast paced competitive map! There are two sides, Side A and Side B. Each base is provided with the same weapons and both have a mongoose. On the right side the map there is a Warthog loading station. The Warthog is ketp there. This map is recommended for games of: 2v2 1v1 Free For All Weapons and Vehicle List 2x Battle Rifles 2x Snipers 1x Brute Shot 1x Assault Rifle 4x Frag Grenades 2x Mongooses 1x Warthog Other Info: This map took me a good 5-6 hours to complete. 2 hours was spent with weapon placement and 4 were spent in the building process. This map is highly interlocked and geomerged. Pictures: Comment on improvements or suggestions. Thanks. Download: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Wow man, you obviously rated our own map. A map like this deserves 1 star (no offense). It looks too simple and open. You did not even blocked off the 'bases' part of Foundry for your map. Also try to put more stuff and interlock some of your objects.
Im sorry but you said this map was interlocked and geomerged, and I dont see either one just crates and barriers.
This map took me a good 5-6 hours to complete. 2 hours was spent with weapon placement and 4 were spent in the building process. This map is highly interlocked and geomerged I don't think so 0/5 for you don't lie to the community.
yeah what is up there is no interlocking or geomerging but you said there was now there is also the part where you said it took you like 4 hours to make, yeah right and for weapons how did it take you like 2 hours for them all I see is about 8 weapons
Hey. Im sorry to say but this map isn't very good probally 1/5. You need some tips for forging Ill provide a link to a post thats gives you a few tips.
Your a bad liar, idiot. The map sucks, and the game-play probably does to. At least have walls on each side so they can't get out. 0/5 This probably took you a couple mintes. I think you meant this 5-6 seconds.
Seriously. This guy is a ****ing idiot. He lied to the community, he made a shitty map, and he rated his own map, too! the map just plain sucks, and to tell you the truth, we don't care whether it's your first post or not. it sucks, you lied, you're getting flamed. -3/5. PS: I have a suggestion on how to improve the map. never post like that again.
pros-It looks symetrical and doesnt look overloaded with weapons. cons-You didnt use any interlocking and geomerging even though you said you did. You can get into the back hallway and i saw a sniper so you could camp which would caose major camping. The bases dont loom to strong and you put a warthog on the map and from what I can see, there is no protection from people getting invincibles and crap because of spawn killing. Grading gamepay-2/5 interlocking-0/5 overall astetics-3/5 post-4/5 overall-3.6/5 Keep forging but try to involve inmovable objects in maps so you have protection that never disapears.
I promise you that your not gonna be hated if you just say "This map took no time to do." Obviously this guy lied to the community and built a map that might have taken a half hour. Absolutly no effort was put into this map. So please...don't be a socophant (ass-kisser). What I have said above pretty much depicts my view of the map. Love, Zachary9990
...YOUR NAME!! ... IT'S MINE! lol. Do I know you? So, I can't even decide yet if this is a joke map or not. I don't want to overanalyze that, but the whole map is made of movable objects. That alone creates a dull environment with no depth at all and obviously no spots for cover that are high enough for things such as spawn killing. Also, the name? I don't want to be rude, but does the name Battle sound like it could of interest in looking at? Overall, I think if you go with the theme of a battlefield, you should make a Gradient-esque one out of walls and such, so it isn't just flat. With this, you could also construct more realistic bases. I think this would help your map a ton. Good luck, JSlayer7
Ah, give the guy a break guys. Sure he may have lied about geomerging and interlocking, but you guys never volunteered to help him. His post was constructed very well despite the lie(s) and he could be better with some help. Map poster, I can help you in the future with building maps. Just send me a friend request on XBOX live. My gt is jelly533.
Guys, settle down, he's obviously either a young forger or it's a joke. Anyway, not much skill was incorporated into the map nor weapon placement. The only objects that seem to be there are barriers and crates (not literally). Also, if you're above the age of 13, this did not consume six hours of your time. 4/10
Cool map, funny and original. Nice layout. The problem is that you didnt block of the back bases of the map. That got really annoying for me. But overall nice map. 3.7/5
ummm...i'm pretty sure it did not take him that long, based on the other lies in his post. Anyway, this map does not deserve any dowloads or help. It should be thrown into a trash heap. Not only did you lie, you also rated your own map, and obviously put no time or effort into it, wasting a spot on the front page. Also, can people please stop making pictures with the name in the picture and all the cool effects? Do that for maps that you think could be called your best, not some pile of crates and barriers.
This thread is a joke. Not just the map itself, but all of the spam replies and flaming. The user who posted this clearly is making a joke of Forge and a joke of his thread. I am locking this and if the user wants to repost the map in a serious way it will be accepted. Until then this is locked and for everyone that fell for this joke and flamed him, just remember that this is your warning. You will get away with it now because this is clearly a joke to get everyone riled up, but in a real thread you will be infracted for flaming. Thanks and have a wonderful day :0)