News has been spread about a new disease known as Spartan-Arm-Cancer-Disease. This disease is very dangerous, and is known to occur during Forgeular-Intercourse. Symptoms include: Giant, Puffy Hands; loss of elbows; loss of arms; hollow chests; broken limbs; and spartanious combustion. Note: This form of cancer is also known to occur to Sanghelli. Classified as F.T.D. (Forgeularly Transmitted Disease) Symptom 1: Enlarged Hands Symptom 2: Broken Elbows Symptom 3 and 4: Loss of Arms and Internal Organs Symptom 5: Spartanious Combustion I'MA FIRING MY LAZAR!!! PS: This was made with the "Arm-Breaking" Glitch (or something like that). I need more pics... and more Halo-time... PPS: Made these pics a few months ago. Just never had the idea of Spartan-Arm-Cancer-Disease.
What glitch is that? It looks hilarious! I know the one where they get all stretchy but this looks different. 5 out of 5
This is the glitch where the player and the forge monitor both pick up the weapon at the same time right? It's funny how this works because it happens so fast but if you go frame by frame then you can see what's really happening.
Thats Mr. Fantastic in spartan armor lol. They actually finally made armor that would fit him lol Nice Pics takes time to get those kinds of pics
It looks unbelievable how large it is... I know how to do this glitch, but when exactly does it happen? When you pick the weapon up? Or when it is deleted?
It happens when you both pick it up, and then break the arms. Let me explain: When you both pick the weapon up, it becomes apparent that the person is suffering from Spartan-Arm-Cancer-Disease. His arms will be position in an extremely odd way. His weapon might be flying in the air behind him. If you (Monitor/Forge Guy) want to further worsen his state of being, then (never let go of the weapon button, so you're still holding it) hold RT and spin the weapon around. When his arms break off, go to theater and watch the film up to the part where you were about to give the fellow an advanced form of Spartan-Arm-Cancer-Disease. Then watch the film in SUPER-SLOW-MOTION to see all the changes that happen during the 1-second-transformation. NOTE: Results may vary. GuardianDuo holds no responsibility for the health of the armless. He also gives no warranties.
Thank you. I think I will try it. About the floting behind the person himself-I have once given myself a headshot like that lotl.
It's a bit hard to aim it in Foundry. I tried it once in Foundry, and the arm kept aiming down. I call it a Super-Splazer prototype. It looks like your guy just got cut in half by a pillar of lava and steel.
Ha, my cousin did this before. It's so funny. But one time it froze his xbox and he got all scared. Anyway, funny picture.
dude, thats awesome. i love it when you do a glitch, or it lags enough that your guy gets stretchy, lol i had bad lag and did a big explosion and the guy was all over the place, lol and good job on taking multiple pics, most people dont do that...
Thats some funny stuff. I seen these a lot, but everyone's is unique. The glow thingy is quite interesting.
That's pretty cool. I've seen the glitch before but your shots are pretty cool. I really like the last one. It is really cool. Nice job.
Good job. The pictures by themselves wouldn't be very good, but your explanation makes them funny. 5/5