lol he looks like him, too bad his head isn't facing toward us... that would be pwn... fire behind him might've been cool also, but what are you going to do. 4.3/5 was this an accident? im guessing so because of all the dead bodies and junk lying around on the ground.
yea it was on accident accually. to tell you the truth my brother took this pic when i was at my baseball tournament, lol.
Cool, 4/5, that would be sweet to do a v2 and make flames come out the back and not have junk on the ground.
haha that looks good too bad he wasnt yellow and red and didnt have the right armor on. I wonder if anyone has set this up yet. And someone could shoot a rocket at him so it looks like he is shooting it nice pic
thats pretty cool it obviously wasn't staged... so idk why u put that but idk much bout those tags... neways this is neat that u got that pose u should try and recreate it with more cloror correct armor and fire if u could and an effect is just asking to much i asume but that would be pretty cool...
Its pretty cool its always fun to make superhero pics I made a green lantern one but this one looks pretty cool to 4/5
Yea pretty good. I like the idea. but it would have been better if there was no stuff on the ground. and maybe a little fire. good though 3.8/5
WEll it all happened on one pacific game, I was just about to pick up the BR and then it all went down hiil after that. My armour wanst firing rocket bolts and my grende would not go far. So I thoought I would be a superhero and Fly!
Ignore him that was my bro, he thinks he is funny when he does that. I have been trying to make fire come behind him, but its really hard, because when people die and go flying they move their arms crazily. I also have been trying to make a rocket by him to look like he shot one, but thats even harder, if you guys no how to it would help me out a lot.
Nice screenshot. His body kind of has a twisting motion. Kind of like he is spinning rapidly. Lol. Great job!
oh i get it he is flying through the air...but his legs are ****ed up....mommy is ironmanpulling a micheal jackson