Ok, this is my first time on forge hub and i just wanted to put one of my maps that i have always wanted to show alot of people. This map is called snipealoza. This map is basically what the name says, it is used for sniping. This map would be fun to be in matchmaking or MLG or somesort of this like that. The game mode and the map is in the link below -----------------------------------------MAP---------------------------------------------- ------>http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55305695<-------- --------------------------------------GAME MODE------------------------------------------- ------->http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55305757<------- This is the main battle field as you can see by our lovley contestants demontrating. This is one of the sniper towers. there is and identical on the other side. There are one of the small sniper towers on all four coners of the map. This is most of the time you respawn. There is a problem were you most of the time you spawm up there i set some on some other places but you dont spawn down there for some reason. If you want to fix that fell free to This is were you spawn. you spawn inside the fence box and go threw the teleporter and you fall threw the reciver up in the air. the reason you do this is so you dont get spawn killed. there is one on each side. !!!!!!!!HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU SPAWN OUTDIE OF THE PLAYING AREA JUST KILL YOURSELF. PLEASE FIX THAT BUT STILL GIVE CREDIT TO ME FOR MAKING THE MAP THERE ARE STILL SOME PROBLEMS WITH THE MAP. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP FIXING THEM FEEL FREE TO DO SO. Thank you for looking at this post and i hope i have fun on FORGE HUB!!!!!!!! Thank you for the people that helped me learn how to put pictures on here
this map is not up to forgehub standards you need to make embed pics if you dont put pics within the next 24 hours this will be locked EDIT:ill give you a link to a way to embed yur pics http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/18644-embed-screenshots-your-map-thread.html EDIT#2 also welcome to forgehub i hope you enjoy your stay here have a forgeristic day
if, or when, you get pics up ill take a look YOU HAVE 24 HOURS just be careful... AND... :\:.::..:WELCOME TO FABULOUS FORGEHUB:..::.:/: EDIT: your tags should be separated with commas