So I was all like playing Living Dead, then I looked and it said 13 players max in the party, so, me and my friend wanted to play, then with only two people in the party, it said the party was to big? What the hell?
yes i was stumped when i saw this and i was greatly disappointed. Living dead is one of my favourite games and i pray for its appearance in the double xp weekend. To my dismay when it finally came around i was disabled to play with a couple of my friends. Sure i can get a big lobby quite easy because of my long and active existence here at forgehub but having a rank for doing what i love is a privilege. In my opinion there is a typo and bungie forgot to proof read it. Maybe it was meant to say: Team size: 13 Which would still be unusual, I'm sure bungie has a very good reason for this and i hope they fix it in the near future so we will not miss out on a great party game. - DRiSCOLL
Living Dead is considered FFA and is ranked. Having a party in a ranked FFA = every achievement easily obtained and every medal easily obtained. So, they need to make it so its like Lone Wolves. The max party size is a typo
It was probably not changed in the description when it was moved to ranked with the auto update. When it was just social you could have upto 13 in a party.
Lawl, because of this, I now have a Killimanjaro in my Ranked Stats and Security Armor. But really, they should have kept it social. I couldn't find any nooby guests to headshot in Braaaaaains with my Magnum.
Probably to comemerate the first ever DEXP weekend, which was Ranked Living Dead. Got my Steppin' Razor ach there ^_^ And so you can get achievements probably.