A glitch where you can fly a hornet absoloutley anywhere on the map! (found by me! B3NW) I havnt got a film of this or video but this can be done twice on the same level. I havnt played halo in about a week so I forgot the campaign level name ahah (Im not good with names). Its the level were you get out a dropship thing at beggining and theres loads of grunts and the aa wraith. Okay so theres 2 areas of the level where this can be done. The first area is where you have gone to the first tower and come back all the way down the hill. It is so important now to follow these instructions... Absoloutley no-one get in the hornet. Kill all the units around the area... Okay you need a warthog. Go to the hornets and get in the warthog, push the warthogs up to the massive rock that splits up the track going up the hill. Simple as, get inside and you can fly anywhere in the map (dont die and dont fly back to the beach as you wont be able to get back past the invisible wall.. Sorta fun. The next area is the next starting point for campaign (rally point alpha I beleive) Kill the units with the tank and go through the level with the tank destroying everything untill the hornets drop down. Kill the units and push the hornets with the tank (much more easier with tank to push than warthog) untill you get past the cave and then get in the hornets (go through the cave as high as you can) then you can fly anywhere up untill the already spawned invisible wall. You can also get further up the tower with this glitch. Enjoy.. Sorry for it being unformatted and scratty ;p
pictures? no video? ok well its always harder to do something just by reading the instructions, but it sounds really fun. ill try it out. thanks
The logic behind my find is that when you get inside the hornets the invisible wall appears, and im right ;p
"Go to the hornets and get in the warthog, push the warthogs up to the massive rock that splits up the track going up the hill." Replace the underlined warthogs word with "hornets". I didn't know this. If you keep a Ghost, can you drive that to the third tower? They do hover on water. The level is called "The Covenant" btw.
Don't be a credit *****, you didn't find this, this was found a long time ago BTW and it wasn't by you. But yeh, you can pretty much fly almost anywhere with this glitch and it's pretty cool.
Sounds pretty cool. I would edit the thread to confirm which campain level it is. Or at least describe it. I think your talking about The Ark (the sandy level) am I right?
they float on water??? I GOTTA TRY THIS!!! lol dude i bet you can drive the ghost all the way then... who knows though you might just get a little far then suddenly die...
If anyone has a link to a video explaining this, please, post it, because those directions were pretty confusing.