Dled. I see what you're saying silence but i just have to disagree. There are areas that have been done before, but the flow in this map just makes it stand out. The aesthetics are good the gameplay is great what more can you ask. just because theres no one particular "new" thing doesn't mean that its a copy
nah, i dont mean its a copy, he just chose to use several features that have been overkilled rather than be unique and think up something different. ive played it, gameplay was decent, no weapons or spawn issues... im just kinda sick of this exact style. i can pull together quite a few maps that look just like it. doesnt mean they all play this good... but i think he could be far more his own person while still delivering the goods.
Played this with Vorpal quite a bit, even had a Noscope match to 100 on it I like most of it, the forging is amazing along with the aesthetics, only problem i had was the Bomb and CTF. The sides arent balanced as well as i thought, one bas is right in the open while the other is protected by a two story type structure. Other then that its pretty good and i like how he did the layout on avalance lawl.
Congrats on the feature man. You deserved it. Your interlocking is very neat and the base is very well constructed. The gameplay looks very good and the aesthetics are neat. But it would be better if you removed one needler(just my opinion). Nice map. You got my download.
I knew that this was going to get featured when I played it the first time. Everything in this map plays very well together. Even infection is better on this map than on any other one. It is probably my favorite FH map for gameplay.
amazing map soo much merging and geomerging makes it very smooth nice features such as the berrels and guns in unreachable places give it a more realistic feel the place with the mancannons is a cool effect ill give it a 4.85/5
'Scuse me for arguing the point, but what the hell does "bad weapons" mean? In what way are weapons such as the laser, fuel rod, and sentinel beam inferior to the common matchmaking staples like the sniper and rockets? Isn't the point of custom games and maps to do something that varies from the tried and true (somewhat) matchmaking structure? I'm tired of the MLG mentality. I have no problem with MLG, but just because a map doesn't have an MLG structure, or isn't meant for MLG gametypes, or doesn't contain solely MLG weapons doesn't mean that the game is any less competitive. The nature of competition is fairness and and a desire for victory between two (or more) opposing sides. The laser/fuel rod/sentinel beam are not unbalanced weapons, they are no more unbalanced than the sniper or rockets. For what is the laser but a different variant of sniper, one that cannot fire instantly but is a one-hit kill with any successfully landed shot? And what is the fuel rod but a rocket launcher with less splash damage and more ammo? Broaden your minds a bit, as the underused weapons are in no way "worse" than the others, they are just not as common. They are "in the minority", one could say, and for that reason they are more hesitantly used in forge and customs, even though the differences between them and the weapons that are seemingly a "must-have" for any serious map are not that large and glaring. Stop discriminating. I rest my case.
the aesthetics are incredible, only topped by the gameplay. everything is interlocked and measured. The dome of bridges is great from both sides. the steps up to the carbine ore creative. the sniper tower, is one of the best and most balanced ive seen. what won me over though was when i was in triangle open boxes and looked up, its a really cool effect, I have not seen open boxes used like that before. the only criticism i might have, is the lack of another duel weldable weapon. Each side gets 1 smg. it would be nice if there was a plasma rifle or spiker placed a little distance from the smg to give it a little more of a point. great map, for anyone on the fence, this IS worth the download.
Congrats on the feature. I knew this would be featured. I played on this with Vorpal a few days ago and I must say this map plays great. In a regular slayer match, neither side is unbalanced. When we played 1-flag it was a little easy to get the flag, but that might be because we were just good. This map is epic and good job!
Its quite funny that the part of my quote that you bolded kind of negates your point, at least with respect to me. What I said was "could be regarded as", not that I thought they were. The question asked was if any weapons on the map are those which some consider to be detrimental to gameplay, and I answered accordingly, giving information without displaying a preference one way or the other. If you're disputing that many people consider these weapons detrimental to gameplay then you only have to look to Bungie themselves, not only do they not use them (Fuel Rods, Sentinel Beams, Flame Nades) in any multiplayer maps, but they have been expressly forbidden in any submissions for user created matchmaking maps. Also, the Laser was referred to as a contextual argument. I don't know anyone that doubts the Laser's practical application in many standard maps, but its not suited to every purpose, specifically size of the map often being a deciding factor. I would personally say that a laser, whilst not being strictly detrimental to gameplay, would be a bit redundant and misplaced on this map. I personally agree with you that such weapons can work very well when used in the right circumstances, the Fuel Rod on Amalgam being a perfect example. But he asked a question and I answered, I informed not judged. Whilst I love MLG, please do not lump me with the elitist crowd that doesn't know how to have a good time.
I was more directing my comment at PJFan than at you Pegasi, but I figured that I'd quote as much as possible to make what I was trying to say clear. I know you were trying to be as neutral as possible, so I apologise for any apparent hostility. Now, when you say "detrimental to gameplay" and cite Bungie as an example, I'm assuming that the idea of gameplay also includes lag and connection issues, not as if the map was played locally or over system link. For bungie's only reason for keeping such weapons out of matchmaking (theirs or user-created) were related to connection quality, not because such weapons are "cheap", "unfair", or "not competitive". Since Forgehub customs have just as many lag issues as matchmaking games, I understand where you're coming from if you're referring to the weapons as detrimental to connection quality and lagginess, which would thereby have an effect on gameplay. If that's the argument, then I have no issue with that. But referring to the weapons as "bad weapons" is IMO completely wrong and unjustified. And I won't say that the laser would be a good choice for this map, but I'd like to point out that there is a laser and missle pod on Construct, which is a relatively small sized map in comparison to other bungie maps that the laser is used on.
I thought this map's gameplay sucked. The architecture was beautiful, but like so many other maps on Forge Hub, it felt like a bunch of gorgeous forge structures that when put together, don't make good gameplay.
Recently, this has to be one of my favorite maps to competitivly play on. I love the aesthetics and gameplay of this map. My favorite game to play on is One Flag. Every game I play is always fun. I really love sniping in the attacker's primary base. I also think that the attacker's secondary base was really well done. Although, I believe that for such a well done map that the secondary base could have been improved. It seems dull compared to the attacker's base. Also The middle structure or the dome could be fixed so you don't have to jump to get over it. Otherwise great map overall.
This map was fun to play on and the aesthetics were awesome! I had some good times and I even found a great hiding spot to just camp people who walked by. btw I broke this map.
All i can say is that this map is amazing. gameplay 10/10. Ascetically this is something very very unique. i can tell allot of time has been spent designing the look of the map. "I think this is such a good variant that it could be a map from bungie!" G.T. Ant wolf
Lets get the bad stuff out of the way first. I DON'T like this map for FFA. Like, at all. I also find that it's actually pretty difficult to take cover in this map even though it seems otherwise at first glance. That said, it plays wonderfully for Team games ESPECIALLY objective games. The balance changes from Asymmetric and Symmetric games just the right touch. Finally, as if you needed to hear it again, this map is fekin' gorgeous and the bunker in the middle of the map is a great hommage to Isolation. It's like playing on Isolation, except the map is actually good and you don't call out locations like "he's at the Dirty A$$hole!" (area under shotty spawn behind rockets)
i like the map all but the part where invis is at cause its really easy to eliminate any 1 in there with 2 grenades.