i think i have a solution for the capsule thing, what about if you raze the roof a little so you can chuck a grenade in it to get rid of campers? it still protects your from vehichle fire but discourages camping with the shotty and or flag also dont get rid of the brute shot, its so fun to send a goose flying with that thing and if its gone it will make the warthog even more powerfull
You could raise the shield doors altogether that way you can chuck grenades in it... plus the shotgun spawns like really fast, so fast in fact that I had it like the whole game with full ammo. (camping the shield door capsule)... The spawns can be iffy, but I think adding more around the base area --plus doing the back area might be fine, but idk it's worth a shot testing out. As for the Brute Shot, I think it'd be better just to make it easier to get. I rather like using it. It makes a good weapon to fight off hogs/geese.
If there are shield doors all around the flag spawn, can't someone just camp in there? Otherwise, looks great!
I dunno, the capsules are there for a reason. Yes you can technically camp in there, but it's not like you have no idea someone is in there when you approch so you should be able to take precautions when going for the flag. The capsules were a feature I really liked because it made getting the flag a challenge rather than an easy grab and at the same time offering some cover if your team goes down. As far as the shotgun, I really could have sworn I upped the spawn on it, but I guess not since it is still at 45 seconds.
I somehow was just invited to a custom playing this before it was featured. I must say... the crazy structure in the middle is VERY well done. It is very imposing due to the roof. My only complaint is that not much of it is accessible. There is so much up there, but you just can't climb up there and explore. But otherwise, this is a map to keep despite the 100 custom game limit.
This looks really hecktic, and yet really fun. i like how they used the shield doors and the fence walls. i think this was really well made but one thing i dont like about the map is the worthag. oh on thing i really like is the sheild door how it is just a little bit off the ground so you can throw nads though it.
Not a but map? And can I ask if you downloaded it or are you going by the pics? Also, thanks for the congrats everyone, glad you like it :0)
Idiot transfusion isa great looking map and probably plays pretty well to but constrictor may not look as nice and still be increadibly fun to play. The people who decide which maps get featured have played them and you havn't so dont come in here and insult our moderators. cause they do an excellent job. If you were active youy would have been banned by now. And why do all your posts revolve around tranfusion getting featured.
I saw this map awhile ago thought it was nicely made but the gameplay can be uneaven beacuse the easyness to get on top of the map which would make for unfair gameplay.