I think its the parents fault, they took away the xbox and then couldn't even control their kid as his stormed out of the house. He cannot get very far by himself, so i would say hes a bit screwed up now.
[sarcasm]Damn canadians. They don't even know how to get their kids off their XBOX without pissing them off.[/sarcasm]
Yes, us Canadians get thrown off the XBOX, Pushed into a wall, and made to eat Yellow Snow. And then, theres the slight chance of the kid getting off - If not, the cycle starts again.
yea read about this in the paper at work funny to see it on the forums i actually read the article and im sure he is just to embarassed to come out. i hope its that
I'm not sure if you guys know, but hunters found his body in a field yesterday... people who were saying rude things like "what a dumbass, and a ***** for running away who does that"..should feel bad.
they found this kid dead in the woods, its very sad. This had nothing to do with gaming, the parents could have just as easily taken away TV or something like that. The parents helped him run away, thinking he would come back, but he didn't. Nothing to do with gaming.
This is why you should beat your chirldren... So when they get old enough, they wouldn't do something like run away because you took their xbox. Im not being harsh here, just real. This is what happens when kids are spoiled, they think they can do what they want like running away from home, they don't realize the potential danger out in the real world, like pedalfiles... P.S. That's a sexy avatar Bluejayfan94...
lol, do my parents have to be jamaican or puerto rican to beat me? My dad is from D.R and my mom is from St. Kitts. Im pretty sure there are some white families out there that beat their kids. Im too old to be getting beat anyway. The point that I was trying make is that beating your kids is very powerful, it teaches them a lot of discipline. It also shows how much you love your children as well. Like they say, "I do it because I love you..."
To me that's the kids fault he ran away. You can't be addicted to video games that much. And now that this happened there going to debate even more on violent video games are doing to kids. The government said that violent video games are causing this to kids. When Ive played violent video games for about 7 years and i haven't ran away or done anything bad that was in a game just to copy. Well that was just another example. I do feel sorry for the kid though and his parents i wonder what there all going threw. Good luck to them!!
Wow, I hope the kid is still alive.. That is weird that he would run away just because he got his 360 taken away, but in fact 80% of the people on FH would too lol