it snowed some here today. i was just at a soccer game in pretty much a blizzard. no snow day though. anyway, im gonna go get fallout on friday, we dont have school. im gonna play for a while then go get my permit then go trick or treating.
I'm from North New York (not the city, the state). We got a foot (ish) of snow. BTW Criticals have a higher chance in sneak, but using VATS an also score criticals. Nobody else has got snow yet? really?
I've had snow, but the only reason I'm posting is to remind everyone to stay on topic. I've viewed many videos on fallout 3, discussed it with numerous people, and I'm pissed I don't have it, yet. I should be getting it in like 3 weeks or so. Maybe sooner.
I've had fallout since it came out. I'm fully engrossed in the story, and love doing side quests... I'm always exploring (mostly the wasteland rather than the city... the city is too hard to navigate around.) I just ask whoever has it, what their favorite weapon is? I used to think the Assault rifle was best, but now I'm leaning more towards the hunting rifle for it's versatility. thoughts?
If you like machine guns, use the Chinese assault rifle, its much better than the standered assault rifle but harder to find (same ammo too). My favorite gun is a tie between three guns: the combat shotgun, sniper rifle, and hunting rifle. They solve any problem. The soundtrack is awesome I love listing to the radio much better music that Oblivion (the songs actually have words, or at least most).
I have to say my favorite weapon is the Fatboy. You cant help but love a mini-nuke. haha yea but the chinese assult rifle is pretty awesome.
hunting rifle is pro. chinese assault rifle is decent. scoped .44 magnum is the ****. flamer is just plain bad ass. frags are fun to use. laser weapons are fail. missle launcher kick ass and effective in some situatins, but typically impractical. again, scoped .44 magnum is my favorite. and chinese officer sword is pretty amusing.
i hate the hunting rifle >.< The chinese assault rifle is great though and so is the .44 but i like teh brass knuckles.
I have not yet used any close range weapons or the .44 Magnum. The ammo is kinda rare, and because that and the gun are so valuable I sell them off for my MG and Hunting rifle ammo. The hunting rifle is now my favorite, because I have commando (extra accuracy with 2 handed guns in VATS), Sniper (increased headshot accuracy in VATS), and bloody mess. What a combo.
Well, Amazon still hates me. At first, it said it had been shipped on Thursday, and would arrive the following Thursday, 3 days after the predicted amazon date. It said it had been shipped from Kansas. Now, it doesnt say anything about Kansas, but instead Texas, which is twice as far away from me. (Michigan) Trust me when I say this: NEVER GET FREE-SHIPPING for something you actually want.
Why didn't you pre-order it from a store in your area? You would have gotten it the day it came out, and not have to pay shipping. It just seems much easier to me than using amazon.
For some reason, I wanted to use amazon. Don't ask. And I never pre-order games! I always go to the store the day they're out, and get them, because even with GTA, they didn't run out of copies. I could've just gone to the store the day it came out. But noooo, I had to buy it through amazon... >=[ So how's life with VATS?
VATS could be one of the best combat additions to any game ever. You can survive without every using it, but it makes combat so much more fun. Yesterday, a super mutant was pulling out a grenade to throw. I saw it in time, and used VATS to target it and blew it up in his hand. I crippled his entire side of his body, and dealt damage to everyone around him. VATS lets you target anything, and that is just plain awesome.
How long is this game? I'm thinking of getting it but I'm not sure with all the other releases like Mirrors Edge and GoW2...
Its a very long game. I don't know the time in hours, but there is so much to do, you'll be busy for awhile. The map is large, and if filled with locations to visit. There is also the large number of side quests to participate in, and the ability to hunt down bobble heads for achievements and stats bonuses. I also enjoy searching for weapon schematics to custom make my own guns. Fallout 3 will also make you want to start over from the beginning with new files many time to explore all the outcomes and possibilities. Fallout 3 has so many things to do that it will keep you busy for quite some time.
Cool thanks. I was also going to ask if it was hard? I heard lots about the Super Mutants being like Big Daddies (although they were easy)
There are 5 (I think) difficulty levels. I started on easy (not the easiest), and am working my way up (One or two form hardest). It isn't that hard, but it could be frustrating at first if you don't exactly understand what your doing. VATS (combat) is very easy to understand, and makes the game very fun. I believe it is the depth yet simplicity of Fallout 3 that makes it so much fun to play. (I didn't play Bioshock, so i dunno if the Super's are like Big Daddies. The Supers' are the basic foot unit for the Mutants, with many alternate forms.)
I dont know what difficulty im on but sometimes the raiders just piss me off but then I find out where they are and I go into VATS and shoot their heads off haha. I love when their heads roll around on the floor haha.
I love blowing heads off especially when they were running at you. the body moves forward a bit and the head floats there then they both go flying. I hate that super mutants are so accurate with the missile launcher. It took me a minute once to find out where I was being blown up form because he kept hiding behind a rock while reloading. Raiders are pro ambushers, they come out of nowhere.