So, I was on earlier today. And signed in one of my silver accounts, just to do a glitch. So anyways, it didn't say the usual thing. Instead it just let my silver accout play custom games over Xbox Live. After that, I played social, and it let me. So for those who dont have gold membership. Play while you can. Peace.
A glitch? I'm guessing that's just an in-game glitch, not a 'free xbox live' glitch. What account was it? Can you tell us the gamertag? Show us these games on Bnet? Otherwise I'm just going to believe you're a liar.
Yes, all you have to do is sign in with a silver, and play on a social or custom games. Voice chat is enabled, and don't "doubt" it if you didnt even try it. Come on, it takes a minute. Even though it isn't a free xbox gold glitch, there are a lot of people who just don't want to get it. So this is a perfect oppertunity, playing with friends, forging, or just playing matchmaking. You can participate in double EXP weekends as well, ranked or social, Both. So enjoy while you can, I don't know how long this will last. EDIT: HERE Check the date, the gamertag on Whatever. Although I had to quit early, Thats still proof. It was played on friday.
Well occasionally Microsoft turns on Gold features for everyone to try to entice people into buying gold, but that usually is just one weekend.
You don't have to try something to doubt it. People doubt God before trying religion. When did you create the Xbox Live account? Every new account gets given a free month subscription to Xbox Live. I actually created a new account a few days ago, played a few games in matchmaking as a newbie and it was so much more relaxing than using my real account, I didn't have the pressure on me to win the games, the achievement sound was so awesome when I did such simple things (triple kill, beat downs, MVP). Anyway, enough of my stories. I don't think there is a Gold Weekend, I have had XBL for coming up to 2 years and I have known about the weekends for the whole time but I have never once experienced one. Besides XBL would actually tell people about it! If you made the account (or connected it to XBL) within the last month, that would be the reason for the free-ness of your online gaming experience.
Ya, i'm totally aware of the "free 1 month". It was expired for more than a month. I'm just trying to help those who DONT have gold. Dont. So please just cut your BS.
Lets not get rude. I, as well as many others I assume, think your claim is 'BS', as you so nicely put it. All you have told us is that you have got Gold features on this one Silver account. You're not helping people who don't have Gold at all, you are the only person who has got this to work (the Internet would be flooded with similar threads to this one if you really could get free XBL). I think we can just say that something has happened to this one account and is not available for anyone else.
Actually, it has worked for 4 of my silver accounts. I have seen others with silver playing DLC FFA. I wasn't being "rude", I was only telling the people to stop with their non-sense. This thread was for helping people, not to deal with people like you.
I saw this on the Bungie forums too, so I tried it for myself. I could in-fact player social and custom games on my silver account. It was awesome.
HA! This proves it. So for all you silver accounts out there that want to play with your friends, ENJOY! ....while you can.
This is true my friend is using his silver account atm to play social slayer and i am happy because than i can play with him. so yes this is true silvers are working
My brother, father and I were having connectivity issues with XBL. We would get disconnected a lot on XBL. We called customer support and to our surprise one of there accounts has been getting free gold membership. I checked the credit card the account was under and it is not getting charged. Yes, they are able to play MM and the such. So weird.
That's fine then. Before the wave of people admitted to getting this to work it was just you, that is why I was having doubts. But seeing as this seems to be working for many people I believe you. A good thing too, my Gold Account runs out on 22nd November.
There are some games in general that allow you to play with a silver membership if they are both pc/360 online, as well as a few others that just let you in general. Shadowrun is an example. I think MS is just easing up on Gold. Making it still better to have gold, but not useless to have silver.