whats up guy =D You still seem to be pretty new here soooooo what break? anyway welcome back i guess haha =D
Welcome, I hope that you find everything that you need here. Make sure you read the rules so you don't get infracted for something so little. Forge Hub is a really great place to kill time and to post on maps or just to talk a little bit with your friends. Have a great time.
what do you mean a break? welcome! i am chief wiggums (you may call me wiggums or chief) Hopefully you will share maps, screenshots, or ideas with us during your stay here. also, hopefully you will be an active member here and post enough to get known. TONS of inactive members with little or none posts are common
Taz501 are you TAZONG on xbox live because if so you should tell us to ask questions and my question is do you play a musical instrument?
om nom om I , welcome back to FH, or welcome to FH would be better. Follow da rules and you should be fine, no spamming! nah just have fun