I just recently started playing MLG and i love it. The problem is, i'm not the best player. I average around 8-9 kills and i usually only win because of my team. I need some help, or tips and tricks. Something that would help me get better. I can haz help?
Practice, Practice Practice. Also, visit Get Better Fast | Major League Gaming. There are a lot of tips there.
I need to know like tactics, ways to get out of a jam, br skills, and other things... What sensitivity should i play on?
well for BR i would suggest Sens. at 1. This may seem slow but ill get your aim up. Team work...Just reall need to know your team(for MLG matchmaking dont go alone take alone some friends you know well and can communicate with)
Roche helped me tons, basically he strafed for me and made me try to 4 shot him. After a while I got really good at it, now I almost always get the 4 shot in a 1v1 situation, even with ducks, jumps, and strafing. Practice one thing at a time. Get someone to strafe for you or aim at a common point. I use sensetivity 3, but whatever works best for you is good. Then practice strafing. Have a friend try to kill you in as few shots as he can, you try to strafe to make it as many as possible. Then mix in the thing and 1v1 each other, trying to strafe to make it hard for them to kill you, and for you to kill him through his strafing. Last thing I'd do is either download a shooting range and practice there, or throw grenades and try to shoot them out of the air with BRs or Sniper. That will improve your aim as well. Practice, practice, practice, and you'll get good eventually.
Kidbomber is wrong. 1 is wrong. The right answer is: What you like. If it doesn't feel right, then switch. If you're reticule is flying all around, lower it, if it won't let you turn around, raise it. And never stop shooting. Always shoot at an enemy (Unless you have camo or are trying to be sneaky) Speaking about camo, never shoot, melee, throw a nade, or anything, unless you can guarantee the kill. But remember, Never stop shooting, Listen to your teammates, and callout. That should help your game tremendously.
Thanks for the help, my sensitivity is on 3 as well, Insane. Can anyone help me train tomorrow? If you could, that would be great!
Good point Think i was talking with th kn1ght to much about the "one sens thing" Another good thing is to find what your good at doing when the game starts. Like Sniping? Do so. tell your mates that youll go for it and stuff. Or like support?grab a br and stay near your mates when they need help. Whatever works for you.
My biggest piece of advice is to work on one thing at a time. First order of business is keeping yourself alive under gunfire, because if they're shooting you and can't finish you off, your team just killed them and you essentially got an assist without giving the other team a kill. For starters I'd suggest you try to never move to dangerous locations when you know of enemies nearby. Always have an escape route planned, and eventually you'll instinctually know where to run on any map that comes up. Part of this is remaining aware of enemy positions, learn the callouts and keep your allies updated on enemy positions. Ask allies to do the same. When you're forced to flee, toss grenades on the floor behind you to prevent the enemy from chasing you(always have at least one nade handy). Then I'd suggest learning to strafe. The most important thing about strafing is to keep it random and unpredictable, but don't move too small or it'll be just as bad as standing still. Try to avoid getting caught on walls to your sides when dodging bullets, they make you sit still. Maybe even learn to tap strafe. Tap strafing is hard to do while still focusing on aiming though, so maybe save that for when you get really good and want to become great. Now that you're better than a sitting duck, you want to be able to shoot back. Learn a control setup that allows you to jump, beatdown, and turn at the same time. The most popular of these being Bumper Jumper. Also keep your sensetivity low to keep your aim steady. Being able to land the second third and fourth shots accurately is infinitely more important than being able to flick the control stick and swivel to face them. From here its just practice, practice, practice until your aim is good. I find that counting shots off in my head as they land keeps my aim tighter, so you could try that out. Also remember that headshots are only helpful for the fourth shot when the shield is popped.
Maybe...I could do some Multi Flag practice on Onslaught or something. It's all about base/spawn control
I'm writing a massive guide going over using every weapon, map control, reading spawns, and how to start off strong on each map. I'll try and work on it and finish it tonight, and I'll send it to when I finish.
No problem, I'll help you anytime. Just send me a Friend request and I'll teach you everything you need to know...Trust me... And by the way GT - IB u IN N ii And if anyone here also needs help with MLG, or Forging, just hit me up Thanks!
Here's some things to keep in the back of your mind when playing: Listen up- Remember on MLG you have no radar. If you hear a BR near you, stop sniping and check your back. Or, on maps like Guardian listen for the sounds of the mini mancannons. If you hear one and your already being shot at evaluate your best means of escape and heal. If you can't heal call teammates over for support, or try to guess when he's going to run around that corner. I'm still here El Guapo!- Don't die! If you have no cover to heal, and your running, aim your gun down. Doing so makes it impossible to get headshots on you. Eventually it becomes natural so just try to do it a couple of times a game should eventually make it a habit. Just keep shooting- Unless he has no shield and you just need one headshot continually fire at the enemy. It may just save your life.
The main thing is: Communication, 90% of the games where my team does call outs we win, by a large margin aswell. Something as simple as saying "Camo's going to spawn, or Camo's spawned or Enemy has camo moving top mid." Learn call out areas in maps. Example: Lift on Guardian = Gold, so you would say Top Gold or bottom Gold. Blue spawn area = Blue or the area that usually has the 2 plasma barrels is Blue room. Tree area = Green, top green is the tree. So you would say something like "Guy at green lifting to gold" Snipe Tower = Red or Snipe tower, bottom snipe is the ramp area which is usually flooded with nades. And usually there's always a middle so on Guardian it's top mid and bottom mid. Weapon call outs always work too, something like saying "Sniper at my X" or "Guy with mauler going gold" Also, time your power ups. Sniper has a 2 minute respawn so saying when you got the sniper can give your team mates am idea when it's going to spawn. Camo and stuff is usually 2 minutes aswell I think, it might be 3. Sensitivity wise, MLG say start on 4 and adjust. I tried 4 and I lost a lot more battles so I just went back down to 3. It's what you play good on. Button layout wise. Use either Default or Bumper Jumper. Bumper Jumper allows you to aim and jump at the same time. Where as on Default you might loose 1 BR shot moving your thumb to A because you can't aim at the same time. Strafing, get in the habit of starfing left to right, try and mix up Long and short strafes and when your about to die to a jump strafe and you might just be able to Out-BR your oppenent. Sniper skill, just keep practising Sniping in Social Slayer. It will become Ranked this November so you'll be able to practise whenever. Just putting 2 shots on an enemy and then telling your team mate where he went can give you a kill. Also use Camo wisely. Don't shoot and do anything unless you can guarantee a Kill, I.E Assasination or a 1/2 shot. And if your team mate is in a BR battle and you have Camo still feel free to help him out. 1/2 shots can make the bigest difference. Same with the OS, you have a 3x Overshield instead of a 2x so use it. The best tactic when having the OS is too rush your opponent before it runs out. Nades, if you think someone is there don't hesistate to throw a nade. I think LegendPimps from Team Classic has his TOD as Frags. If your getting shot in the back look at the floor and it will be harder/impossible for them to headshot you and they'll have to shoot your 4 times in your ass with no shield before you die. MLG Callouts for all MLG maps. Got this from the other thread.
If your looking for somone to play with hook me up with FR I'm looking for another player too, all my friends are on GOW2... Arseholes..