The Ultimate Castle Crashers Guide Welcome all, im aware that a big percentage of the forge hub community owns or at least has played castle crashers. Well here is a well written and easy guide to help with all your cc needs. All the credit goes to CastleCrashers: The Ultimate Castle Crashers Knowledge Base I did not write this but i have taken it from a great website to help everyone here. Characters <U>Default Characters Green Knight Red Knight Blue Knight Orange Knight Unlockable Characters Gray Knight Royal Guard Skeleton Industrialist Fire Demon Saracen Bear Fencer Ninja Stove Face Barbarian Thief Conehead Peasant Iceskimo Beekeeper Snakey Civilian Brute Alien Skinny Sword Thin Sword Thick Sword Pumpkin Peeler Thief Sword Cleaver Black Razor Carrot Rust Sword Golden Sword Two-Pronged Sword Hook Sword Buster Sword Saracen Sword Spike Square Edged Buster Rapier Barbarian Axe Pitchfork
Crescent Sword Golden Key Bone Saw Round Mace Clubof the level Blue Mace Spiked Club Fish Wrapped Club Black Mace Black Paddle Green Mace Rat Beating Bat Black Morning Star King's Scepter Meat Tenderizer Leaf Black Rod Wizard's Wand Branch
Vine Lightsaber Wooden Cane Spoon Skeleton Leg Alien Hominid Gun Harpoon Lance Sai Unicorn Horn Steak Sausage Lobster Umbrella Battle Axe Black Katana Ice Sword Candlestick Black Hammer Fishing Rod
Wrench Spear Glowing Red Rod Frozen Chicken Flaming Sword BeholderInstall BallSeahorseBiPolar BearMeowburtSherbertBitey BatMonkeyfaceSnailburtBurly BearMr. BuddySnootCardinalOwletSpiny
Chicken Pazzo Troll Frogglet Piggy Yeti Giraffey Rammy Zebra Hawkster Scratchpaw Enemies Bosses Barbarian War Wagon Barbarian Boss Troll Boss Catfish Pipestrello Giant Beast Conehead Groom Cyclops Volcano Dragon with Sock Puppet Mad Machine Mini UFOs Corn Boss Medusa Ice Wizard Painter Cyclops v.2 Necromancer Wizard Standard Enemies Barbarian Thief Troll Jumping Fish Tiny Bat Bear Slime Bee Beekeeper Conehead Fire Demon Industrialist Fencer Brute Ninja Scorpion Desert Bug Desert Beetle Saracen Alien Royal Guard Spear Fish Skeleton Snakey Stove Face Iceskimo Wizard Knight
Items Collected Items Compass Steering Wheel Telescope Map Usable Items Boomerang Shovel Horn Potion Bomb Sandwich Boot?
This is a great guide! If you made this before i found all the animals it would be more useful ^.^ But im going to use this alot to unlock all the characters and weapons .. Good job on making this! Must of taken you ages ..
Just watch out when you play online and you've got all this stuff. I had it all, and my stuff got reset because of online d/c. (Items, cash and animals ONLY get reset, not characters.)