
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by PsychoAlex16, Oct 31, 2008.

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  1. PsychoAlex16

    PsychoAlex16 Ancient
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    Zombies are attacking and the last remaining suvivors have take refuge in the church.
    This is a very good asthetic map aswell as a mini game map so i was not sure what category this should be put into.
    It was made by IX FUS10N XI and works with the zombie gametype which is linked.



    He has also made a video Available on youtube

    Here is the link for the download the gametype is linked to it. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    This is a very good asthetic map aswell as a mini game map so i was not sure what category this should be put into.

  2. darkducky15

    darkducky15 Ancient
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    nice that looks good, some good battles. The video is ok makes your battles look a bit dull, next time put some more pics, a weapon list maybe, 3/5
  3. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    I think the video more than makes up for the lack of many pics. Only 1 is required, which he obviously has more than. And, of course he made a video. It looks very well built, and looks very intense. Very nice.
  4. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Welcome to ForgeHub!

    Unlike other new anonymous users throughout this site, you actually posted your map correctly. However, next time you post a map, and screw up on the first post, please edit that post instead of creating a whole new post.

    As for the map itself, you did a great job in creating the scenery for a church-like map. I can not see much of the map due to the lack of screenshots, but from what I can see, it deserves a 7/10.
  5. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    I don't believe I have ever seen a map quite like this. The song in the video was terrible, but I still must give it to you. I like how you were creative enough to make a cross in the map. It really tells you how much time and effort you put into creating this map. So, I will def. give this a download, I hope many other forgers will download this map because it looks really neat. Great job sir
  6. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Dude, its nice and all that you have posted it ok, but seriously, from now on, please, please, please dont post maps made by others. Only post content made by you, or a collab. Even if you have approval from this person, you aren't supposed to post it here.....get IX FUS10N XI to post the map himself....damn....

    Anyways, the map looks ok

  7. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    Wow! dont rate his map 2.5/5 becaues of his pics. He only needs one embedded pic. And in my opionon, this map looks sweet!! I love the church feel when you are in the church, and the astetics, great job. In my opionon 4.5/5.

    I hate it when people say that you need more pics and forget about the great map, but sinse you have a youtube video I dont see the problem with not having to much pics. Great Job!
  8. Shade9595

    Shade9595 Ancient
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    =O this is awsome it looks like a real halo 3 church(i guess) very creative and this would give it a very good mood for infection! 5/5
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