you know, I was playing the (terreble) infection playlist, looking at the extreemly suckish maps and game types (well, if the gametypes were better some maps would have been fun). and thought, why dont i make a forgehub infection playlist thingy. so I did. Intro: We basically have a list of maps, and gametypes. and play a lot of infection. We also have ranks. EXP: EXP is needed to rank up along with skill, to earn it, simply get or pass the amount of points shown by the map. but remember, the party must be of members of the playlist. Skill: skill is basically acheived in an achievment style way, like getting 5 sticks in a game, or splattering a few guys. of course, each map has specifics, so gt 5 splatters isnt going to appear in a hog mowdaown map, but maybe a map with a single hog and so on. RANKS: these are the ranks, requirements are also listed. Recruit: 0EXP 0SKILL Corp: 3 EXP 1 SKILL Marine: 7 EXP 3 SKILL Private: 15 EXP 5 SKILL i will add more later MAP & GAMETYPE LIST none yet, still need ideas... MEMBERS Darkdragon (darkdragon274) to join: simply satate your gamertag to request a map put on map list: give me a linky Link to group: Here
Is this going to be like Infection Inc? I guess this one seems more focused on playing and ranking up while the other one was more casual
Im a big fan of infection, I joined the group hope to get some games going I really like the way you got this set up, especially the ranking system with XP. Nice work
I like how you are going to make a exp/ranking system. i joined the group just tell me when we are going to play
sorry for not posting, but if we could all send a FR to me on live i could start a match. and could you guys find some maps to help with map list?