This is a map i made for the template contest(round 4), it supports 6 people on it with 3 different game types slayer, king of the hill, and oddball, this map consist of three levels ground, 1st and 2nd, 2nd level consists of mostly boxes and walls + the 2nd consists of mostly fence wall's, also i have come up with a new concept for making stairs as scene in the 4th picture down, you can take this idea if you please, weapons list: brute shot shotgun needler pistol battle rifle plasma pistol carbine vehicles: ghost Equipment: regenerator
If this is for a contest, then shouldn't it be posted in the contest information thread? Please get a mod to move it (or lock it). Then copy the description into a reply on the appropriate thread.
can you perhaps make a better description? this should probly be moved to the competitive section, as it looks like its made for competitve gametypes.
This does not need to be moved to the contest submission thread. Once I posted mine in that thread, Bl00D said it was fine for me to post it in the map section. It's fine. Back to OP. I see you put up some competition for other participents in that contest, the map looks extremely well built. I hope the gameplay is just as good as the aesthletics or better. I'll DL and get my friend to play it, he gives out better reviews the me. Good job. EDIT: You don't need to move it, but post it in the contest submission thread as well. Here is the link to the submission thread. Template Contest Round 4: Submission Thread
hmmm, im not all that sure, the gameplay looks good and all but things really need to be smoothed out here. some of the steps, ramps etc. require you to jump. In a great map, you shouldn't have to. It should just be a smooth walk. (what im talking about is in the 6th picture. You have to jump up the stairs. I'll dl, but consider what i said for a v2.
first of all, how can a maps gameplay "LOOK" good. maybe you should play on it before rating, and as for the steps, its impossible to make that a smooth surface without little parts jutting out and making the map look bad. just think about it.
I see you borrowed the fenxe wall bridge from kentucky tango. This map looks great but it is almost so open I don'r like. Your interlocking abilities are great and the layout of this map looks phenominal aswell. The second someone gets the BR, everyone else is screwed though just because this map is so open. It still looks pretty good altogether though. 3/5 Keep on forging.
Great merging and design. I like how you incorporated a 3D element to the, such as the high bridge that can fire down into the hill.
This looks good for the template contest and i think it might have some awesome gameplay ill have to dl it and check it out. although it seems a bit open and may not have enough cover but still i will dl it