Hi. Could someone please download the video here (item 6) and use a capture card to get it onto their computer? And then upload it to mythica or something so I can get the file onto my computer, ready for editing and putting onto Youtube? I'll be eternally grateful. Ok thanks. ~Carter P.S- if you could make it so you also capture the sound and so the timer bar thing isnt visible then that would be great.
I will. I just got my first capture card, so I am eager to try it out some more. I will give you the link to it once it is online.
That person (seen above) seems like hed can do it. But you may want to get one of your own. I personally suggest Easycap because it is easy to use and cheap.
Darn you. That is what I use. :squirrel_shiftyeyes: I guess I am not the only person who knows about it.