NOBODY FLAME HIM!!! Okay dude, so you know go HERE for map posting. HERE for picture embeding and HERE for customer support. First off, welcome to ForgeHub. Don't post a question in the map section, post it in General Chat, or in Customer Servive. But have a good time here(when you first join lots of people like to be mean, so don't let 'em get to ya!) Have a good Day And Happy Halloween!!!
You go to were it says forms on the top of the page click it and a list of different things should pop up you should go to maps (ascetic,casual,competitive,mlg,) pick one and go to submit thread and thats it also you got to have a photo bucket account so you can put your pic's in
go to the top of the map forum there is a guide to posting maps follow it exactly and you'll of posted a map correctly and everyone is happy. Just a tip give as much info as possible like weapons and time spent. also before you post your map go to the Forging 101 section and make sure you have covered all the base on the tricks you can use also questions either go to forge discussion or consumer serivce EDIT: typed this before ^^^^ they posted
The posts above have already answered your question, so this is now locked. In the future, be sure to only post in the maps section if your posting a map though.