Well, I was searching for an xbox beta code for the game when I stumbled upon this on their website. (Btw, does anyone have a free code i can haz?) It looks amazing! I mean, do you think one of them just randomly said, yeah lets add zombies into a world war game.
Seriously? If it does its gonna kick ass, i remember CoD4 Zombies on Showdown that was so much fun. Sadly i don't know if it is or not since i just checked on the beta and i couldn't find the private lobby option but maybe that's just me, i hope to god there is though.
Here's your proof. Call of Duty, World at War. I'm allowed to get two or three games for my birthday in December, 1 from my grandparents, one or two from my parents. I was gonna go Far Cry 2 is a must from grandparents, they buy and give me games a little early, fable, then this, but I changed it to this then fable if I get two. This is awesome.
I heard on a SarcasticGamer podcast that after you beat the game, you get to fight zombie Natzis. Oh, and I saw a preview for a game on X-Play a few months back that was for a game which was entirely for killing Natzi zombies! inorite? *I'm not advertising, I'm citing my sources.
This has already been posted before. And yes, it's been proven. You can play it only after you beat campaign.