Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you.... Spilled Blood This map is one of my finest made. For competitive play or not, it will offer a great time for you and your friends! Set up for FFA Slayer. But you probably don't care about this, so I'll Just Skip to the PICS!!!! __________________________________________________________________ ^ Overview ^ v Side Views v v Sniper Hallways... v v Door System v ^ Half One ^ ^ Half Two ^ ^^ ME ^^ This map took me about 10 hours. I hope you enjoy it! DL Link Spilled Blood
I down loaded this and played it. It was fun and overall a great map. I did break it (I'm in the breakers guild) but it seems like an easy fix.
There's nothing you really need to fix, one thing you could consider though is adding a bit more dimension, try to add more structures that are more than 2 boxes high, they add a suprisingly huge amount more to the map and help obscure lines of sight.
Pros-looks like pretty good interlocking and seems to have even and not overpowering weapon placement. Cons-It seems to be that the wall blocking the bad part of foundry is a little sloppy. Some of the walls dont look nice. You could have made larger structeres as others have said as it does add to the map. Grading Gameplay-3/5 Interlocking-4.5/5 Overall astetics-3/5 Post-4.5/5 Overall-3.8/5 pretty good map and Make a version 2 with some changes and this map would be really good.
this is an ok map, theres a couple things. one, Theres not enough cover and two, there only 1 level. NOTE: Try making a second level like angling away from the 1st. (EX: level 1 floor goes || make level 2 go = just an idea)
one thing i do think you could improve on this map is the geomerging. You should geomerge all those double boxes in the ground o make the map look a lot cleaner. I like the layout tho, but I dont think gameplay wont be that good