Woah woah woah, Gears of war 2 campaign is NOt a repeat of GoW one, It has actually been improved in so many levels, The action is intense and although they left off a bit of story for the next sequel, it still delivers a gripping story. I just finished playing it 4 mins ago
how? i dont think theres a gow 2 beta test. how can you have played it already? and even if there was, it owuld only be MP
What I mean is it has the same elements as the last storyline. No other elements. PLOT SPOILER FOR GEARS OF WAR 2 ... DO NOT READ IF YOU WANT A SURPRISE Spoiler Cole dies, but that's it.
You can only play it if you have a modded Xbox right now. And seriously man, why'd you have to spoil tht for everyone? the Locust queen is sexy btw Im just saying.
I like the reviews you gave but there not that professional. I would add more games, and if you get a chance rate far cry 2 and fable 2
2 things Frag. 1) Learn the ****ing spoiler rule! One month or shut the **** up. 2) It's not out.Worldwide release on the 7th of November. If you pirated it, good for you! But please, don't consider it out.
You still got a ton of games to throw into that. If you didnt write this then they need to add more games.
No, it's out. If you can't find it, then you're blind. How do you think half of the other people got it? Spoiling the game will give you AIDS I did write this, but I'm really busy with school work and crap to play ten thousand games. I'll get some help from different reviewers, but that's it. Holy cow, it's almost out? I've barely heard of it. I'll see what I can find.
Seriously Frag man, either stick a spoiler or delete that part of your post, you just spoiled a big part of the story for me and possibly a lot of other people.