Hello fellow forgers, since i have yet to introduce myself i shall do so now. Intro: First Off, my name is Paul, im 14, and if you must know (Because it must be bugging you..) RPAL has come about for this reason. Rachael Paul Andrew Luke Now if you knew why i underlined those letters, you must be a superhuman. RPAL was the name choosen when we created our first Xbox LIVE Account. From then on, i was known as RPAL, or as some prefer, Our Pal. My Story: Well, once Halo 3 was released, i played and sucked. I practiced Matchmaking forever, intill i started to beat captians. CoD4 was released shortly after, having me Addicted. Im currently in 8th prestige with over 10,000 more kills then deaths. Once i got that far, i went back to halo for a bit, and noticed someone messaged my Bungie.net account. Out of the blue, Adelyss invited me to his community (Map Maker Guardians). From then on, with the members of MMG's help, i became a talented forger. I started my way up, and learned the best forge tricks there is. I've Created many maps since I began, with my most popuilar "Redemption" and "Rumint". "Redemption" ended up comming in 2nd place in a forge off, surprising me. From then on i've been getting better and better, and have been abit tired of forge, but will always love it. My Videos: My first major success in a map was "Spartan Speed", a race map that had limited interlocking, but still provided a enjoyable 'Hard' track. I put a slideshow of my track on youtube, witch now has over 3500 views. I recently bought a capture card this summer, and have since created and helped make many videos that hide behind the popular youtube creations. Current Projects: MMGHighlights: Map Maker Guardians, (Or now Monitor Built), has a weekly event every other saturday night (Saturday Night Showdown). I record these events the sunday after. Each video takes about 6-7 hours, depending on the lenght of the games. I have been working hard to improve these videos, and have raised my standard in editing since i began. Thank you to all the people involved in MMG helped me with the videos. Community Maps: A delayed monthly series. Thats all i can say. Map Videos/Other I've created many videos, including videos for other members of MMG. Over the proccess of 3 months, i've released about 30 videos onto Youtube. I've created Map Videos, to showoff people's maps and my own. I've helped out in some machinima, and have created acouple other videos that can be seen on youtube. Final Notes For those of you wondering, "Why does he do all this?", i've simply got a passion for video editing/creation. Links of Intrest: MMGHighlights Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MMGHighlights My Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BlindFireSniper Thanks all who actualy read all this, and i cant wait to release somemore maps. -RPAL
Welcome to Forge Hub. And thank you for clarifying your name. It was really upsetting me. I have abbreviations.
Muahahahaha. now I can use that against you somehow... still trying to think how that would help me... o well quick and straight to the point. that's GREAT!!!! And what would those be?
I do not take speech, but since im a freshman i have English class and have to write many papers, so im stuck in the habbit of writing with alittle higher standards. I cant spell to well though, so thats realy the only bad thing. Im also used to writing my last name first, so on all my papers its like; Last, First Period Date And sometimes it anoys the hell out of my teachers, but its kindof the standard in some schools/colleges so mehh, doesnt matter to me.