I am slightly curious. i am probably gonna make close quarters buildings. (the map style just begs for a SWAT like CQB house.). theres just so many possabilties. i mean i looked at forge first as "cool. i can move a box here, and make exploding fusion pile bombs" but foundry just made me realize "holy crap. i can make bases and forts!" i know ya could before, but it was very limited compared to this.
I want to create some original maps, but I want to keep them mid-range as much as possible, not close-range.
God your preaching to the choir here. i was making the map linked in my sig and i just though "wow..i got lucky. i'm glad i didnt run out of room" they need to make (possibly) a larger, and higher version of foundry..but oh well..beggers cant be choosers, and i think we got enough to work with lol. wow CQB stuff is in the lead but alot of varied answers. glad i made this poll.