would anyone like to help Maxwell360 and I build a star wars map. If you dont but have ideas for a star wars map, please send them to me.
Im guessing your talkin about the maps from star wars battlefront. If so, u should make the Tantive IV, Death star map, Renvar citadel, Bespin maps, Corasaunt jedi temple and possibly the Mosisle map. All of these are probably creatable to an extent since they are reasonably small. I would be happy to help make some of the maps too if u need it
I have to say if someone could recreate some of the Battlefront maps accurately, they would play very well in Halo 3. If you catch me online I'd possibly be able to help.
okay ferrari, ive think weve got a project on our hands now- its gonna be good (I hope). And in reply to your message ill probably be on 4/5 hours after this comment and possiblt beforehand- send me a friend inv and ill give u a shout if a see u online
I've forged with maxwell360 in the past and this sounds like a cool idea. The issue is, battlefront maps are HUGE compared to any halo 3 map. Another thing, there is a group of guilders working on a whole bunch of star wars maps and your project will probably be overshadowed unless its beyond f*cking amazing.
it could be good, im waiting to see what they can come up with...btw most of us arent guilders, only shock is, its mainly me shock and mags89 also, this could probobly use a lock now that the question seems over
I would think that you could do some of the ship interiors from space battles of BFII. Budget glitch would almost certainly be required. You could do a few teleporters in between, maybe mongooses or something, eh i'm just ranting now. But battlefront on halo ftw.
ive never played BF, but i did make a SWBF gametype actually just to see if it would play....shock did play so maybe we'll have some, idk
Maxwell, I really wouldn't want you to abandon your plans indirectly because of me. Your ideas seem different to ours - they can both be playable and popular (hopefully). Battlefield is completely separate from saber duels.
thats what i was saying...even if their even the same based off, its good to have some competition...we already do on the maul duel and thats cool...tho i wouldnt say that we arent gonna do battlefront, i would be surprised if some of the maps arent bf