I have decided to make thread for map ideas or simple ideas that could be used in maps. If you could please post those ideas here. This will be where players will go to get ideas if they can't think of one. Anything from tips, gametype tips, map ideas and anything else that could help with forge. please post those ideas here.
A geomerged crookedy double box with two walls sticking out at stairs. **** I shouldn't have said that.
Hostage I really like this idea for a thread, everyone is always looking for ideas and this is where they can find them. Make sure you have all the ideas shown on the your thread listed and constantly updated. One idea i have always had is a hostage VIP game where the vip starts with the other team and they have to try get him/her back safe, but i have no idea how it would work.
An "I am Legend" map where at the beginning of the movie Sam(the dog) goes into the apartment building with all of the infected people and to symbolize the dog there would be a flag but there are a bunch of stair cases that lead to weapons, the infected people, dead ends, traps, and of course the dog. USE CAPTURE THE FLAG NOT INFECTION! Also I was thinking... About Gears of War wondering what could you make for some type of aesythetic map, and then it hit me!!! A giant Brumak (the big ass things with turrets on their wrist and missiles on their back) any way just an idea...
Some sort of Submarine thing in the cavern of Avlanche put shield doors around it so it looks like your underwater I wanted to try this one day
I once saw a map called "Sidewounder" that was basically this absolutely gigantic mountain on Avalanche. Even though it was fun to play, it was very sloppy. I still like the prospect, though. Hopefully, someone here will take a break from Foundry maps and do a version of this. I'd do it myself, but I suck at forge.
not much of a map, but an idea, put an overshield in a base, then when you grab, a switch activates and spawns maybe a wraith in the other base. then the overshield base has to choose to get the overshield, and the other base gets the wraith, or they dont get it and leave it. but the wraith base can come and get the overshield and get both....
some sort of super multi level maze would be awesome! on foundry of course as it would be the best map for it.
A map based inside of a breaking space ship (on infection or VIP <-- best option) where you have to escape from the ship before 3 minutes other wise every thing is blown up. also things fall apart and are desroyed along the way while you also have to kill the enimies or stop them from killing you by killing them and get to some kind of thing thats supposed to resemble a drop pod.