A proposal on how to make a terrain editor!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Monoxide89, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. Monoxide89

    Monoxide89 Ancient
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    There is a petition now open PLEASE VOTE!HERE

    Ever since forge came out i have been fascinated with it. It made me think about how it was engineered and then it got to me, All forge is, is meta saves. For those of you that don't know what meta is, it's pretty much a txt document that tells the the game where to place stuff/what to make load in spots and to know what characters to load and all that good stuff.on the map. I used to mod halo 2 so i know a little bit about how the game was engineered. Now before you go slaying my name and banning me into an eternal hell just let me tell you that I NEVER CHEATED AND NEVER PLAYED ON XBOX LIVE WITH MY MODS. I played through a tunneling system called Xlink. The kind of mods i did were things such as bsp conversions ,character, model, sound, and scenery injections. If you would like an example here is a VIDEO.

    Okay back to the proposition. I have been talking to allot of people about "what ifs". One of the most sought out things is the ability to chose Weather, ,time of day/night , and the biggest one is to be able to lift/ edit ground.

    Editing Ground
    I understand that the whole lift/edit ground is impossible because you cannot edit the bsp in game but, what about just making a map that is a big open field. Then instead of grabbing the land and pulling up and editing it give the options to spawn different size and shaped hills,cliffs, rocks, trees, water falls, small pools, and any other vegetation in forge. I would suggest making these hills,cliffs, and etc. like the window panels on Foundry. not able to walk through them but yet able to merge with almost anything. it would be the equivalent of spawning a box or a crate. except it would be a hill,tree,etc.

    Weather Editing
    As far as weather goes, you guys could just inject many different types of weather such as snow, rain , clear , partly cloudy, foggy , flood fog , etc. Then just allow us to pick them in maybe a new column of things in forge such as a weather tag or maybe an environment tag. The only thing i can see going wrong with this is the bitmaps,bump maps, cube maps and maybe shaders being able to load in game. I know that it will be able to work out side game play because when me and my friends would put some new weather or put a new light map in all we had to do was make a meta change after the injection and it would work.

    Time of day
    As you can guess this is going to be like the rest of my suggestions. You guys could link the light maps to the skies and when you change the time of day it would just load up a different light map and sky. Again i don't know how this would work in game as far as things loading such as shaders,bit,cube, and bump maps.

    Thank you for your time in taking to read this. I understand that development takes MANY months even some years and i know that you guys are busy but could you just keep this idea in the back of your minds or up on a shelf some where that would be awesome. If someone from Bungie could tell me if this has already been thought about and why or why not it would work i would be very great full. I am VERY interested in getting into the gaming field rather it be in an engineering or in the art fields. Oh and if the community has in incite on this topic PLEASE feel free to share your ideas and thoughts on this.


    Community Suggestions

    Placeable Machs machs are things such as the gates on standoff, high ground, and the speed bump tings on last resort.

  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Typical teen response to video games.
    Do you have any idea how complex Forge is already?
    Oh sure, why not add in three-years worth of programming?
  3. Monoxide89

    Monoxide89 Ancient
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    dude.... are you dumb. no extra programing is necessary your just spawning items..... its not that complex.... if you dont know how the game works then dont make stupid comments.... if you realized how easy this would be to do you would have no problem agreeing with the fact that this is VERY possible and could be implemented in some of the distant DLC package we will receive
  4. Glitch100

    Glitch100 Ancient
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    Dude, are you the Kid, who posted this on Bungie? Or did you steal it?

  5. sethkasketch

    sethkasketch Ancient
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    i think this is a good idea...
  6. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Hmm, you actually seem to know what you're talking about. You've convinced me ;P.
    It would be really cool if they would integrate this into a future DLC but I Highly doubt it though.
  7. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    sounds cool.You definately seems to know what you are talking about and while i doubt this ll come for halo 3 its quite possible it could be implemented for halo 4 or whatever epic game bungie craps out next :squirrel_giggle:
  8. vertigo042

    vertigo042 Ancient
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    This would be Extremely awesome considering other games like UT2k4 already have options like this. The PC gets all the awesome little doodads, and really responsive mice. We get faster load times and better graphics :squirrel_nono:
  9. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Um.... I'm pretty sure it would require a little programming. If your spawning the items, where do they come from? This might work on PC, but doubtfully on a 360.
  10. El Leone

    El Leone Ancient
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    We'll never see the ability to control weather patterns of lighting conditions, apart from the obvious (programming required from bungie), I'm pretty sure they're against that kind of stuff as it makes visual identification. Bungie want it to be all fair.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I find that comment rather untasteful. Surely you realize that everything in the game requires programming?
    Halo 3 operates ingame by using two things. The actual engine of the game, which runs the map files, and the map files, which is what you play on. Every object you see in game is in the map file. Guns, player models, terrain gfx, sounds, even scripts for cutscenes.
    The H3 engine is hard coded into the disc, permanently. Unless you mod, there's absolutely no way to change that.
    However, the engine has been programmed to be able to receive some input from the HDD. DLC maps, armors, emblems, colors, etc., are possible. So yes, technically, Bungie could release a DLC pack to make a terrain editor possible.

    The H3 engine isn't exactly compiled to make the best use of its resources. If the engine was configured to consume less resources while maintaining optimal graphics, framerate, and the like, yes, this would feasibly be possible. But it isn't. Halo 3, just like IE, Windows, Macintosh, Photoshop, basically every single bit of program out their is coded out of date.
    Yes, this is the New-gen, but the New-gen moves faster than anyone can program a thing to be effecient for that speed. A law states that every year, microchips will store twice as much, and the surface area of the said chips will halve. Every year.
    You can't program fast enough to keep up with that rate. So when you program something, you have to settle with being just effecient enough to make ends meet.

    Ever tried comparing Pacman to Half Life? That's my point. Halo 3 barely runs optimally enough on the 360 with our objects editing Forge.

    Even with amazing Forge, you'll quickly find that there are many limits. The budget keeps players from lagging up the map with too many dynamic objects. There's also the item limit, which keeps players from making too many copies of the same object, also lagging up the game. Essentially, the reason why a real-time terrain editor would not work is because of these simple limits. Not the ones set by Bungie, but by the hardware limitations.

    Besides, this is too much wishful thinking.
  12. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    A Forge system like Farcry.
  13. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    Just in case you haven't noticed, the game is already released. The soonest your wishful thinking would happen would be the next game they release. All of the mechanics you describe would require tearing up the already released engine. Bungie added this to make the game more customizable, not so that you can create completely new games.

    If you want to create your own multiplayer maps with everything you want, make your own damn engine. Or get hired.
  14. Monoxide89

    Monoxide89 Ancient
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    all the items come from a "Scenery Tag" inside the map, the only thing would be putting more items in this tag and it will show up....
  15. SuperClarkman

    SuperClarkman Ancient
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    As far as I understand he is saying he wants a Foundry map, except out doors. So instead of crates and walls he wants rocks and cliffs.

    I think it is quite obvious that it doesn't require any programming (or minimal) to add new objects to the forge pallets....... (on new maps that is, we can see this obviously because there are walls and huge boxes on Foundry that never showed up before in the other multiplayer maps..)

    However, the weather being different would require programming (not sure how much). Also, I doubt the different times of day would be ever considered unless they plan on having the son be one dynamic light and not have the lighting compiled into lightmaps... (even if it was compiled into the light maps we would see a huge loss in performance because every dynamic object has to have its lighting calculated on the fly, and considering you want terrain type objects that would be a lot of polys to be dynamically lighting)
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You're only going to get a couple of Scenery objects before you lagzor the game. Therefore, that won't work too well, unless Bungie made it so it's a static object. As in, in Forge mode, the only thing you can do with it is move it and rotate. It won't fall, it won't move, it won't block bullets, et won't block players. It'd basically be like grass in Valhalla.

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