The Slammer CnR

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Seaboro Kibbles, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    The Slammer

    Download Map
    Download Game(required)
    -16 players supported, 6 players recomended.
    -honor rules required,
    players should be mature and all have microphones​

    This is my cops and robbers map. It is an all time favorite map for many people and i would like to see what forgehub thinks of it. This game seems to change the minds of the most sceptic cops and robber haters.
    Things that set this map apart from other maps it the versatility and the many features and options you can choose from. The cops can pick up items, which i haven't see much of. There are multiple escape routes, involving no glitching through wall or stupid stuff like that. The balance between cops and robbers is fair if played right. And it also cures cancer.

    Whats Cops and Robbers?
    (in my opinion)

    Cops and robbers is a fun based game that requires something called honor rules. Honor rule are a agreement among the players to not do something, because the game wouldn't be fun if you did. ​

    In cops and robbers, the infected are cops and the humans are robbers. The cops are definitely stronger and could easily kill the robbers, but they don't, because the honor rules. The only time they kill a robber is if they do something 'bad' like try to kill a cop or escape or something like that. If a robber is doing something 'minor' like not listening to orders, he deserves a punch to the face or something 'minor'. If a robber asks to go to the bathroom, the cops should let them, there is nothing wrong with requests like that. As for the robbers, there is no honor rules whatsoever. It would be smart to listen to the cops though, they could kill you easily.​

    The robbers start with a bad gun, that probably wouldn't kill a cop, but there are better weapons outside of the jail that could definatly kill a cop. The smart thing for the robbers to do it to distract or trick the cops so they can escape or assasinate them, (hitting them in the back, killing instantly) this is where the game gets fun. Once the robber has disobeyed a rule or order, there is no honor rules and the cop can try to kill him.

    here is a few pictures that should help you get familiar with the layout of this map. Click on the picture to go back up to the first picture[aname=2].[/aname]
    sorry about the bad resolution, my computer is gay

    Screenshots and other stuff
    [jumpto=hey] -skip to comments- [/jumpto]​

    Here is a view from the outside.

    Shields don't recharge in this game, unless you get the custom powerup, located where the cops spawn, or a overshield.
    I think warthogs are the best, and you will see alot of them in this game.
    Everyone gets a ride in the warthog, exept ningas.
    A life sentence in The Slammer never sounded so sweet.

    #1 Seaboro Kibbles, Sep 20, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
    Boyle06 likes this.
  2. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    hate cops and robbers!?! thats absurd! only an idiot can hate cops and robbers, and you- have made cops and robbers SO MUCH BETTER this map is amazing! cleanly interlocked. i also like the new ideas you had that no-one else did, washrooms and an actual weaponry for the cops. great job! 5/5
    Seaboro Kibbles likes this.
  3. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    Looks great, I love that little single box interlocked arch you made above the building.
    Never played Cops and Robbers though :O
  4. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    dude, looks like a really fun cops and robbers game. I used to play these all the time with my friends and somehow they never get old. For the map, The gameplay looks like it would be really fun and i see you did some interlocking. I know interlocking is not required to make a really fun and playable map. But I personally think it makes the map seem really clean. So overall, looks like a really good map and is worth a download.
  5. Skittle085

    Skittle085 Ancient
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    This looks so sweet. I've never played cops and robbers before, but this map's brilliant layout makes me want to so bad! If only my friends could actually get into a gametype this intricate... oh well, 5/5 from me and q'ed.
  6. LinkFox101113

    LinkFox101113 Ancient
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    I haven't played Cops 'n' Robbers since Lockout/Turf on Halo 2.

    I like that you gave the Cops alternate weaponry and also made a variety of open and closed-in areas.

    The no shields recharging factor is a mostly unused option that seems well used here.

    Good job. 4.5/5

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    I have never been a big fan of honor rules. There is just too much that could go wrong and most people won't abide by them. If you could make a map like this without honor rules it would definitely get my dl.
  8. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    this is really nice good layout... everything looks really good... like how u edited the pics.... this is one of the best ive seen.... lots of pics = +rep for u.... keep forging this is nice i really want to play on this map b/c it looks epic win donno wat to say to fix... its all pretty good plus these maps rnt my cup of tea but this is good 9.6/10
  9. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    Honestly i played the map and it is absolutely awesome!!!!!
    I did however have to make some changes. The map was far too cluttered with random rooms so i closed off the swat room, deleted the 'room' covered in shield doors with plasma swords in it and added a truck outside as the objective for the robbers.

    All in all, this was the first cops and robbers map i have played and i loved it 5/5.
    Seaboro Kibbles likes this.
  10. HaloMike

    HaloMike Ancient
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    the map is ok, a little messy though. pretty fun but nothing new. I like your action pics in this post, eye popping stuff.
  11. Destroyha

    Destroyha Ancient
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    This is the greatest CnR map I've ever seen. Super great job, nice rooms. 5/5 :D
  12. power7762

    power7762 Ancient
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    When I click on your hyperlink, it says that the file could not be found please fix your link, because this map looks really fun.
  13. Destroyha

    Destroyha Ancient
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    Yeah, I really want to download this map too. can anyone tell me how to get the picture under your name?
    Seaboro Kibbles likes this.
  14. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    I am not the biggest fan of CnR, but this map completely altered my opinion on the vartiant.

    Not only does it apear well forged and entertaining, it also includes fantastic CnR game-play.

    This map is one of a kind! Therefore it deserves an outstanding 5/5!
    Seaboro Kibbles likes this.
  15. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    A long time ago I heard a word. That word was "forgitecture" (forge-eh-tect-chur)
    Untill now, I didn't know what that meant.
    This map just raped me.....and it felt good.
  16. piekiller

    piekiller Ancient
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    ok dl cant abuse those comments

  17. DEANM12

    DEANM12 Ancient
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    lol finnaly a new way to play cops and robbers it gets so boring after a while. at least you appelled to my heart (gay) jk. try making a V2 it would be epic
  18. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I'll try to give a neutral unbiased opinion on this map.

    I hate the gametype: Cops & Robbers

    But the map looks clean and original. Looks good for C & R, and should make a nice change to Station 69
  19. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    I must say that this is awesome! I have played this numerous times, and it is one of the best maps I have ever played. I like the solitary confinement. Makes it feel like those rubber rooms. AWESOME map!!!! 10/5
  20. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    Great map. I just find it a little funny you asume the ultimate authority in forge does not know what cops and robbers is. Anyway, it looks really original, and a much different layout from the same old same old c&r maps. 5/5

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