[youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=bZ4xlE6Q1N4[/youtube] This is a video of me getting 2 exterminations in one life!! Sorry for the crappy quality, my friend didn't have the greatest capture card. I know the sword is a bit noobish, but still. The link to the in game download is here http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15778054
Nice job dude, even with a sword that is still pretty cool and those guys were idiots. If it had been me, I would have br'd the crap out of you.
hey look a guy with a sword! lets all charge him head on in a single file line! twice! haha. the other team lacks some intelligence in this situation.
seriously man, that was nice. The other teams were idiots, you know they invented a thing called radar? xD lol. You had some great timing ther too.
Yeah I though the fact they were coming at you one by one was a little odd almost as if it was planned...
Heres my first one. I uploaded it on halotube because youtube is being dumb for me. http://www.halotube.org/m/view/433/penguinish-first-extermation/ this is the description under the video "Got this months ago, just decided ill upload it for the hell of it. Notice some things about this. Its a game on team tactical snipers. They are winning the round 4 to 1. They killed me at the pelican. So i went along the waterfall area knowing they would be around that. lucky for me they clustered together, and bam, they lost the game."
It was HC so no radar, a big guy in red with a sword is big warning sign though. Not one of them backed up lol. Way to take advantage of noobs.