
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Resix, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    By Stealth the one

    Supported gametypes:
    Team Slayer

    Map Description:

    Gilgamesh is a symmetrical foundry map set up for matches with 8-12 players. Each team spawns at their base and have a warthog to start with. A huge middle wall seperates both sides of the map. Also a shield door is placed strategically in the middle making and vehicles travel around the back and long way.

    A unique thing about this map with gametypes like CTF and Assault is the base set up. the bases are basically just a rectangle shape. And this leads me to what is so special about the bases. Most of the time a team camps in the base watching the only exit/entrance. But in Gilgamesh there is a back way into each base via gravlift. The gravlifts are on istant respawn as to prevent the destruction of the back entrance.

    Weapons list:
    6x Br
    1x Sniper
    1x Bubble shield (symmetrical)
    1x Deployable cover (asymmetrical)
    1x Rocket Launcher
    2x Mauler
    2x Shotgun
    2x SMG
    1x Power drain
    2x Warthog
    2x Carbines
    8x Plasma Grenades
    4x Frag Grenades

    And now for the pics you have been waiting for...

    "Hello i am the superintendent and i will lead you through the pictures of the map Gilgamesh"

    "Here you will find both bases"


    "Here is a view looking out from the bases"


    "Here you will see the Covenant carbine towers"


    "The center. Yellow means yield"

    "The spnkr rocket launcher spawn"

    "Stairways to spnkr rocket launcher spawn"


    "The No-U Hill"

    "The sniper and bubble(symmetric) deployable cover(asymetric)"

    "Shotgun spawn on both sides"


    "Demonstration of intricate base design"


    "Warning Warning Metropolitan Disaster"

    "Please remain calm"

    "Hitchhikers may be esacping inmates"

    Download Gilgamesh

    Please comment and tell me what you think and please do not spam.
    #1 Resix, Oct 30, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2008
  2. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Nice map dude, perfect interlocking and use of symmetry option (first post maybe?) specially like bases with the perfect walls anmd ceiling
  3. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Nice map. The layout is simple, yet effective and the fusion is done very well. I generally don't like to use the bases and back alleys of foundry when I forge but you do it very well. Overall 8/10. Good job
  4. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    The map looks ok i guess. Its definitly not a full 10/10 but maybe a solid 7.4-7.6 if I reviewed it. I helped test this and it needed a lot of work on gametypes. Plus, interlocking on this map was a little shy of perfect as DeathlyFire put it. Its phenomenal but its not perfect neither is the geomerging on the map. IDK wont rate it because i alredy told you where it falls on my scale. :D
  5. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    i dont remember you actually testing it all you did was walkthrough it. I cleaned the interlocking and geomerging up a lot and the map is way better than it was when you saw it
  6. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    Pretty sweet map dude.Kinda reminds me of Constrictor from Creeping Death.I see some nice geomerging and interlocking.From the pics the map gets an 8.5/10 i would say.Good job though
  7. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    pros-The map has good interlocking and does look pretty much uncheatable. The weapon placement may be a little overcrouded but it isnt that bad at all
    cons-There may not be enough BRs from the pics. The bases look pretty simple(i am talking back where the warthog spawns) but simple looks pretty good sometimes. Could be a problem with the warthogs being over powerful.

    overall astetics-4/5
    great map.
  8. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    I dig the map and I ecspecially love the name. Does anyone else know where the name comes from or what it means? Does the name tie into anything on the map? Looks great ill check it out.
  9. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    this looks like a rounded version of coagulation to me, or a small sized avalanche.. if you know what i mean.
    the fact that there are 2 shotguns makes me glad that its even, but at the same time sad (i love having the only shotgun on the map, so i can pwn everyone lol)
    it looks asymmetric, but it is actually symmetric, which means you did a really nice job with the design.
    9/10 will try out and tell you about it soon
  10. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Good post and nice map stealth.

    I do have to agree with that one guy who said it bears a resemblance to Constrictor. The overall layout is essentially the same (a U shaped design with vehicles), and a shield door in the middle. But there are definite differences so I'm not gonna split hairs.

    If it plays like Constrictor, which it looks like it does, then obviously I approve :0)

    Good work.
  11. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes i did get some of my inspiration from constrictor and from gridlocked but i assure you everything else is original and thank you for the most meaningful post about my map i feel many other people have been spamming it. so thank you creeping death
  12. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Epic! Lawl. I read the EPIC of Gilgamesh this year so i thought i would say that......Anyway, before you flamers infract me (why would you?), i will talk about the map.

    This map is pretty cool. The symmetry is awesome and so is the interlocking i don't like the position of a bubble shield/deployable cover underneath the sniper rifle. Just seems to be a bit unfair. I like how you balanced the warthogs with the rockets instead of a splazer (if rockets are only one clip). Overall, this is quite a decent map and seems like it would be great in competitive games.
  13. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    great map

    Great concept. I really like some of the ideas you put into this map. It looks very clean and neat, but the only flaw is it seems a little to open. But looks like it would play nice. 4/5
  14. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Yes th rocket has 1 clip and in v2 that i might release i have moved th bubble shield to a better place and the rockets also have been moved for gameplay reasons.
    Trust me it is not too open it is open enough for vehicle transport and has enough cover and very good respawns that match the openess for the vehicles
  15. E93

    E93 Guest

    Played it yesterday, and it was pretty fun.
    Everything is nicely interlocked, very symmetrical, etc.

    I'd only recommend you play this with more than 4 people only on each team, because it might get old after a while.
    Although we didn't try CTF. That might have made it a bit more exciting.

    But overall, good map.
  16. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    This looks like a good map from what i can see now. Imma get back to you when i test it.

    Right now im going to base how good it is on what i can see. I mean im going to base it on interlocking and geomerging. Like how good the interlocking and geomerging looks.

    Ok so it looks as if the duoble boxes are geomerged a tiny bit to prevent the nades from slipping under. From what i can see it looks as if 80% of the bottom floor was geomerged.

    The interlocking in the center structure by the shield door is superb. Very even.

    Ok so as i said ill get back to u later
  17. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I played this map.

    I really liked it. The interlocking and geo-merging was good and I love the layout. I don't think you meant to do this, but I like how the shield doors blocks off that middle path for the warthogs. It makes it go around, through the back. All in all, great map.
  18. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you scope. i did mean to do that i didnt want to fast of a paced game for objective games.

    Announcement i will be testing v2 asap and by asap i mean friday depending on how that goes i will post it the following day.

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