Ehhh...I'm not really sure who to choose, lol. Theres some good possibilities, but you have to be really good at merging and all that...
im good at that and if you take a look at my maps they are pretty neatly geomerged and interlocked. you remember that map with the giant pillar
Ugh...I'm looking over this and honestly, I can't tell who can do what...just send me a message or something and I'll try to get you in a game with me so you can show me what you can do. Insane54 is my GT
Sure you got the right guy? I'm rarely on Fable, and if I was I wouldve seen it...maybe I have notifications off or something...
hey ya i havent ever seen him on fable and there is no surprise that he is on halo, that aside i hope you pick me i am always looking for a good forging partner, that is if insane can compare to me . . .
Hey Insane im up for it GTr Blurberry Time Zone:EST Time I can Play:4-7 to 8pm. Mic:Yes Good @ Forge:Yes..I can show u some of m maps
Ugh, I keep forgetting you guys. I have Blurberry's and someone else's messages...I'll invite you whenever I get on tommorow.
Hey I'd love to help ya out with that third selection if it's still open. GT: xBigDaddyVx Time Zone: EST Time I play: Varies A LOT but I usually log an hour at least on most days Mic: Yup Good at Forging: Not to toot my own horn but yeah I'd say I'm pretty good, I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I've only made one map that has good interlocking in it. I'll send ya a message on Xbox and I also have skype downloaded if you wanna talk on that too.
k well insane i changed my name and usually when I get into your parties. I dont get to forge with you. usually just screw around in customs and stuff
^^^^ I have the same problem. so could we schedule a good time? saturday is best cause I am trick or treating tonight.
I'm not a brilliant forger, but I'm good at effective spawn and weapon placement. My timezone is: +/- 0 (GMT, London). I hope you're not American...
You need to have the patience of a saint to Forge with Insane. "It looks... 'okkkk' but i don't really like the map."
I'm still having trouble choosing...its really hard to find who really has the right skill to get everything geomerged/interlocked perfectly, and do it quickly too.