I am assembling a team of experienced forgers to work together and create the singe greatest map in halo history(besides blood gulch, that will always be #1:happy if you are interested, please post here and/or email me at ironhide108@gmail.com my gt is The Spartan III and i don't get that much time on, but ill try to get more time to forge with you guys. i would really love to work with others and learn from them, while creating the best map ever. once the team is assembled, we will vote on a map to use(hopefully not foundry again:shiver::irritated maybe standoff, last resort, avalanche, high ground, sand trap or a big map. then we will think of a design and make it uber 1337. k, who want sto sign up first?
i dont know well just vote i guess what do you think it should be on? well first lets choose what exactly we wanna do. i was thinking a symmetrical(or not) CTF map, with 2 or 3 walls defending each base, with height going up like 1 box each layer. plus an armory for both sides, with equipment, weps, and other stuff in it. also a motorpool, were we have like 1 tank for each side, or if its assymetrical, then a stationary wraith on the attacker side(just blockade it in with teleporters i guess) to act as artillery. plus hogs, mongooses, 1 hornet for each, and banshees. plus a ramp to let them out of the base, of course. perhaps we should do assymetrical, that way all we have to make for attackers is an armory, motorpool, and like a little wall just for looks or something. i'd like to do it on avalanche, because then we could build a big base in the middle part, with all the stuff inside. then the room with the mancannons in the middle, the one near the splazer, we could block that off from the outside so that it would be an extension of the base. then we could have like after you capture one flag in the main base, you have to capture one in a dead end were it would be easy to defend. or same thing with bombs. and the attacker base could be both the normal bases, but with a tele connecting them to each other, and a half of an armory on both sides, or an armory on one side and a motorpool on the other side. that would be really cool. so tell me what you think.
ill sign up.. gt: chief wiggum 00 time available: weekends: afternoons pleeeeeease, schoolnights: 4-7
I think we should do it on foundry. And I do think we should do a asymmetrical map. And obviously have it be CTF and Assault. And about the armories, please do not do this. Not do sound like a boss. But armories are very unfair and they give each base an unfair advantage. Plus, it adds a negetive spin on the gmeplay.
the whole point was to do sometihng outside of foundry. i want more color, more space, and more variety. armories where all the weps for one team is kept is a bad idea? really? i didnt know that. i figured that if each team has an armory, then everyone on the team knows exactly where to go to get any gun they want, and if it is their first time playing the map, they know exactly what weps they have access to. i always that that was a good thing. i'll have to talk my mom into letting me play in the afternoon. cant wait to get the map started. i stil think that my vision looks twice as good on avalanche. on foundry, it just isnt the same. plus you get extra stuff on avalanche. oh and i also left out that with the defending base, we should have a sniper tower, with spiraling stairs, and 2 or 3 rooms in it. that would make it like a major fighting spot. also if we had one between the two then that would wourk out as well becausethen everyone would rush to gain advantage over the sniper and would be forced to relinquish 2 or 3 people: a sniper and a guard or 2. i just think foundry is too small for what i am thinking about. if it was like 2 or 3 times bigger, then id use it. maybe that should be in the mythic map pack, a foundry that is like 3 times bigger
I shake my head to this... First off, no offense, but cmon.... "best map ever"? You have to be kidding me. Then you bring up bloodgulch, and I already know this is going downhill. Most people say bloodgulch is the best just because it is an original Halo CE map, which is why you probably mentioned it. Truthfully though, there are better halo maps in my opinion. "Expert Forgers" "team" "not foundry again"... makes me want to cry. STOP!!! or better yet... don't get started. Why the hell do you even need a team of expert forgers? It sounds like you already know what you want, unless you're just to lazy to do it yourself, or maybe don't want to bear the humiliation of creating such a horrid map on your own. Armories? You have to be ****ing kidding me... I thought that age of noobishness died a long time ago. I must have been mistaken. Armories are dumb as hell, and the only place they could work is in infection, and even then they cause the game to be crap. Pile of weapons = uncompetative ****. I assume you are going for competetive right? After all, you compared this map to Blood Gulch, a competetive map. You also were sure to include much thought about gametypes like CTF. But I continue reading, and I again, must be wrong. Motorpool... what the hell?! Then when I saw vehicle mentioned shortly after, and 1 + 1 made 2, and I realized what you meant. I shitload of vehicles to accompany a shitload of weapons. Scorpions, Wraiths, Hornets, Warthogs, Banshees, Mongeese (yes, mon-geese, I say it), might as well throw in Optimus Prime while you're at it. I am starting to think this will be quite the opposite of what you intend it to be... You just don't put in vehicles because they are fun to use when Banshee whoring in Match Making. Vehicles are unbalanced enough, throwing a bit of everything in there, makes them 10 times worse. Oh, and I stopped reading, and skimmed from there. Some say people make a better door than a window. I can safely say you're "well thought out" idea would make a better wall than a map. No paragraphs, at all, accompanied by a shitload of poor grammar. Also, it appears that you type as if you talk, which pisses the **** out of me sometimes. Yes, what you write should sound fluent as if it came right out of your mouth, but you took it a step further. "We should do symmetric" "but i guess if we do asymetric" "on second thot we could do assymetric" just shut up. Think of what you will say, and type it. If you find that you are starting to do that, delete your previous idea. Don't just say whatever the hell comes into your head, and leave it! Save that speek for voice communication. State your idea, what you are thinking, and be organized. Go forge a map, by yourself, and play some Match Making as well to learn what makes a good map for gameplay, and then after you make some that you post here and become renown, try again. Otherwise, don't try at all. Christ, I can go on and on and on and on like your post, but I won't go further. Sorry for being harsh, but someone was going to be sooner or later, so I decided I would do it before they did.
I'll sign up... WARNING! if i dont like the map half way through, im gunna drop out k? so only if it is the best map ever! also [if] i drop out, i still get credit as one of the map creaters, so just sayin... so im in! 3-10pm central usa
dude chill out. first off, i like blood gulch because it was funner than hell, not because it is in halo 1. i also like coagulation. i was just really dissapointed when they put in valhalla to replace blood gulch and coagulation. it was more or less the same layout, but i liked the old feeling better, the desert in some parts, and grassland in others. maybe if they just made one base have an ocean behind it, and have a river then coagulation woulda been perfect for halo 3(i like the effect when you get killed in the water and you float to the sea) 2nd, i am not too good at forging, i cant even geomerge good, at all. thats why i wanted an expert team. i've seen things people do on here, and i have tried similar maps, all of which were epic fails. thats why i need help. i can make a basic layout, but i need help with geomerging, aesthetics, strategic placement of everything, and the other stuff that makes a good map. i just need help. thats all there is too it. plus you cant have too many friends. 3rd, i always thought that if it was done good, armories were a nice addition to the map. like i said, it makes it easier to find all the weapons you need. ill put other weapons on the map, but the armorie should have like all the assault rifles, BR's, frags, and basic weapons you find all the time on every map. but with like snipers, shotties, rockets, and splazers at different parts. i suppose we dont need hornets or shees. im just gonna strike that out. that was a bad idea. but a tank for both sides, hogs and mongooses are standard, and a good idea. 4th, this is the INTERNET noone takes the time to spell right or correc ttheir errors. obviously.
I take time to correct my errors... I'm pretty sure everyone does... but anyway, when are we getting started?
omfg my ****ing mom wont let me get on, and she said i cant get on live unless my dad says. so i guess start without me or something. i guess we could have a smaller armory or something.but other than that plz go by my original specifications, and ill join u ASAP
This is too much fun, though I should be doing other stuff right now... You hurt yourself with that. Valhalla bears little resemblance to Blood Gulch (BG) or Coagulation. In fact, I highly doubt that when employees presenting the visualization of Vahalla, they even mentioned BG. Oh, and what is this? There you go again, putting in your own ideas as to what would have made a great map. You look at what makes a good map completely wrong, leave it to Bungie for default maps. Oh, and by the way, I took a chill pill, and then I saw your post. Well at least you admit it. There is a place called Forging 101, don't know if you heard of it. If not, go there, it is linked to in Halo Forge Discussion, and surely you know where that is, right? Go there, and read up on the threads, but also read the posts. Some offer tips and suggestions, to improve your interlocking and geomerging. But I personally, think its a rubish excuse. Geomerging is easy, and interlocking easier. The same technique that works for one person works for the other. The reason they can come out bad is because the forger is too damn lazy to make sure they come out right. You kill me, seriously. My sides ache from the amusement. Throw my name around to some people, and see what they say. If they give you bad opinions about me, well that is probably cause I ripped them up as well for being a dumb ass. Get this in your head, now. AMORIES DON'T WORK! No arguing it, no saying "well if done correctly", just no. They don't work. They create an overabundance of ammo, camping spots, and a jumbled mess when trying to pick up a single weapon, and there are 3 of them right there that you keep picking up instead. And don't even say "Well this is the BR armory... so you won't have that problem" because then you just aren't thinking. What is the point of having a place where everyone can get a BR right off the bat? Why not start them with BR's? Pick up one BR, and then you take the ammo of another BR right there, making it have a small clipsize for the poor bastard who picks it up. There is soo many things wrong with Armories, I can't even start. Just look at featured maps. Non have armories. Look at Bungie Maps. Again, no armories. If they don't have them, neither should yours. And you obviously have no idea about vehicles. You don't just place them, and you don't just say, I want them. Vehicles are power weapons, and either you build a map around them as such, or place them in a map that could use them as such. ha... ha... haha... hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha XD u ra dooshbag lern grmar go bak to elmtary skool. Isnt ttthat fukkkin anoing How the hell can you read that? I can't, and my retinas are burning because of all the red lines glaring on my screen showing how little of an education you must have recieved. I have to stop and think how to spel licke dis. Don't practice a poor habbit. You see, people (like myself) took what is called an 'English Class' where you learn that cat is spelled c - a - t, and where there is a period at the end of a sentence. Do you live on a farm by chance?-and are stopping in the 'big' city so your dad can sell some fresh picked apples at the local supermarket as you waste your time trying to justify yourself to people, like me, using a library computer? Though I guess I should applaud you for finding the 'Enter' key... Get over your pride, and accept truth. As much as you don't think so, I am doing this for your own good. Welcome to the Internet.