I haven't played mine in a few months, But I still got it all hooked up to my TV, Along with my NES, PS2, Xbox, and 360..
wow....i got a wii and ps3 hooked up to my other tv in my room. the xbox is downstairs cuz i playt it most on the big tv
super nintendo is probably my favorite console... i was just playin some super mario kart and some killer instinct
My snes... sadly... broke.... I've been having fun with the newer consoles though.. but, nothing will ever replace my snes...
I actually have a SNES in my closet, along with a **** load of games......I just don't have an adaptor that makes it compatible with my Too-Modern-TVs. Sad face =[
I'll be honest .. I never had a SNES .. But i had an NES which was awesome and i <3 N64! I still play it now and again .. And my NES is broke .. =[