matty you are amazing.. and beautiful i wish i could make a montage but alas, no capture card. maybe il make a dualtage
Nice montage, i like the begining with teh spotlights You seem to be a damn good "sticker" and pretty decent with those scopes. good job
If you want to compare your montage to most of the other montages out there then H3F is the place to do it. Your montage is above average. You have steady aim, good clips, and the last clip was amazing.
I did, but i didn't get a very warm welcome because of the presence of triples. I am much better now, and i am going to try and get another video out, but it might be for my map and not for myself. Nevertheless there will be some sexy clips.
lol thanks for the comment I got a video for my map coming up, but theres about 5 insane clips i'll throw in there too.. well not insane, but pretty sick. 2 of the wierdest noscopes since the dam thing was invented. If you have me on skype i can show you, if not, then add me!. IVLatty.
lol put my clip in if you're making a new montage. I just got a triple kill grenade to a noscope then a turn around noscope to the face for an extermination ( the triple being a grenade on 3 people with full shields then a 1bullet triple with a sniper.
I did most of those 3rd person shots. Did a lot of them for each clip. Anyway, it's a great montage. I'm in class so I couldn't watch it with sound but from what I could tell, the editing was good and the effects were nice and subtle. I'll be sure to watch it again with music and add the music part. For others without a CC, I'm willing to capture your stuff for you.
What was the song? It was great, really liked the no scoped you did and some of the across the map sticks.
Thanks, I'm trying to gather clips for a second, but i am in no rush. Maybe Christmas. If you fancy some customs, and aren't the quitting type of person, than send me an FR, or a message if my list is full, and i'll make room.