So this guy was bragging about how good he was at MLG. He come into a game and started shouting his mouth off. He was good, He had a 50. So I was telling him to shut up and all of that and then he said 1 v 1 me now, ill rape you. I was sick of all these level 50's saying this to me. So i took up the offer. We played MLG FFA, I won. Infact, he didnt even want to finsh the game because he knew that i would win anyway. So we had a fair fight and settled it in-game. Keep in mind hes a level 50 and im only a 44, and im usually really bad at halo. So for all those out there who lost to a 50, This is for you . No im not bragging btw. well mabye i am... a little.
he probly like bought his account from some1 who trained it to be that lvl hey how do i create threads?
His other level 50 friend said to me "no offense maddflash, but your gonna get raped". So when i won the game he ignored me then removed me from his friends list.
50 is no big deal, ive only got to 46 at highest and own most of my 50 friends 1v1 also, a lot of 50's get it in dubs which is like a 40 in any other playlist, and if hes a 50 in MLG that means he most likely had a good team or isnt a 1v1 player more a team player. but madd, it really isnt a big deal and definitely wasnt worth creating a new thread
The reason why most people who are level 50 I think is just simply because they play alot. Not because they are that good. My friend and I met two generals on a 2v2 match and they where lipping us off. After we kicked their asses. They didn't have much to say except that we were lucky noobs.
I am only a level 43 but I can beat Generals 90% of the time. Also if he was really good at MLG he probably was used to having teammates. I know some MLG players (not pro) that aren't good at 1v1 because they rely on teammates to let them know where someone is or to cover them, etc. So he might have been like them and was used to teammates.
I have a friend who's a general (legit) and he thinks he's so amazing. I know him in real life, he goes to the same school as me, and over the summer he removed me from his friends list because he "didn't want to lose his rank". Wow. He's obsessed with Halo and needs a life. He's not even that good.
That is obsession. Whenever I beat some general they always say something like "I went easy on you" or "You got lucky" or something retarded like that. I had a friend who was a general (legit) that removed me from his friends list because I usually did better than him and whenever we lost he would blame it on me even though he got less kills and more deaths than me.
Yah, thats what i love about this, whenever a person had a level 50 he thinks hes so much better than everyone else, and everyone else thinks he just bought it lol ironic, no?
Dude, I'm only a 22 and I can beat 50s. Nothing special. High rank more often than not just means that person has no ****ing life. Some little pasty face kid that would probably burst into flames if they ever saw the sun, or die of exhaustion if they so much as had to walk more than the distance to their mommy's mini-van.
Generals have no respect and no-one respect them. When people see Generals, they think that they either: - Bought their account - Are on a second/third account - Have no life - Play Halo 3 too much - Cheat - Boost If Generals kept their mouth shut, they might get a bit less stick. But they don't. They brag. They mock. They make it seem like Halo 3 is the most important thing in the world, then they make out it doesn't matter when you kill them.
Not all generals are brag and mock. Most do but I know this one General who is really good, didn't boost, doesn't play halo too much, bought it, has no life, etc. He is really nice and doesn't brag or anything