This map is a replica of the World Trade Center just after the second plane impacted. The twin towers are hollow and feature stairs as well as a crude floor plan. The surrounding structures were inspired by the architecture of the actual WTC buildings 3-5 and the sculpture in the fountain outside is the same one currently standing in the WTC plaza. The fire trucks aren't made to scale but hey, heroes deserve to be larger than life(especially in a video game). The map also makes for fun slayer and team slayer in addition to being just a neat tribute. Enjoy! Click here to download
This is a tribute Kapura, not a mockery. One must view this through an objective lens. This event is now a part of history, like Pearl Harbor or D-Day, which have both been forged maps. Yes, September 11 was devastating day for thousands of Americans, but the purpose of this map is to preserve the catalyzing event that in the end, brought millions of Americans together in the name of our people and our country. :squirrel_grouphug:
I tend to agree with titaneve,but only to a degree. I believe that he has a valid point in that it's a part of history we will never forget. Making a map about it however could be viewed as glorifying a tragedy. I am not personally offended by this map,but I can see how some people without the same train of thought could be.
its a tribute so i dont ahve a problem with it but i cant speak for thsoe who lost frends or family in this tragedy...all i can say is taht it is very inginuitive and a very impresive fire truck. If forge hub takes it down atleast condssider posting hte truck.
I see how this could be offensive to others but it's a tribute, even though a map isn't really a worthy tribute, its still something. He feels for the community and the people involved with 9/11, so he wanted to show how much he really cares.
It doesn't really matter about trying to or not trying to offend people these days, since people are going to get pissy just to be pissy really. I think it was a cool concept and I understand that it is a tribute of a horrible tragedy.
I think it's tasteful. It would be a different story if it were a game where you had to blow up the building or something.
*Cough*Pentagon*Cough* ;| I find this alright. I mean, it's not like he's saying "BLOW UP THE WTC!!!" I mean, it's not like it's a Virginia Tech Map, or a Concentration Camp. Those would be kind of bad.
Hey, I made a concentration camp,but that didn't fly so well,so I had to change the name. Sometimes you don't think things are as bad as others think they are. That's why some on this post are offended and some are not.
i hate people who get all hateful torward people that make maps on 911 i mean its just a map it dosent hurt anyone so get over it. oh and i like the map :squirrel_jaffa:
I dont really get why you guys are getting mad because hes not mocking it. However I think your mad because you dont like to be reminded of this?
I have suffered from 9/11 and I don't find this offensive...It just brings back bad memories but I would personally like to thank the creator for making it a yeah thanks -SteelLeprechaun
I mean it looks nice but i think it should just be a picture and it should be inspirational like the iwo jima picture