Sick Hiding spot on Narrows. YAY ranked 13 top favorited today after 20 hours!! It is extremely hard to get up there. Try it for yourselves-but first, what u think of it. I found it, but it was known before already as I found out later. #85 - Most Discussed (Today) - games #13 - Top Favorited (Today) - games After 24 hours on youtube!
great find! I couldnt do that even by accident lol (ya know when people say they couldnt do it even if they tried?) well..yeah
lol, im totally going to go in a custom game and do that , and pwn everyone with an unlimited ammo sniper!!! lol they will get angry at me, but its worth it
Yep that's right, and me and idiotninja are going to have to so this in matchmaking. LOL we love hiding. THANKS!!1
Hah. A sniper up there would totally kill. Although it would be easy to spot you if you were using the sniper and most people would BR you.
Do you have a video of hiding somewhere? I love hiding vids... Oh, and by the way: This is extremely hard on matchmaking... And often enemies see you jumping up there.
W00t I just looked at my vids data, and it got this (after 20 hours!!!) 60 views, and this #90 - Most Discussed (Today) - games #37 - Top Favorited (Today) - games EDIT: #13 - Top Favorited (Today) - games
Me and idiotninja just go into matchmaking to hide sometimes and we both hide. OMG I love to see them walk around looking for us. Its also funny in the post game lobby, we are like lolz
Ye, I also love hiding, but my team mostly does not like it... Hey, when I get my xbox back I would really like to exchange hiding spots with you.
The question is, who doesn`t? I know 1 more totally sick spot in this map, but it is even harder because you have only 1try. You need radar thing and brute shot for it. Throw the radar thing into a corner, and get 2 perfect shots on it while jumping. If you get as high as possible like that, you can get between the ceiling and a wall. Did it 1 time during being alone in team doublez. won 2-0 lol. But, ye... hard. The ones at the bottom part and those 4 "secret rooms" knows everyone. But this is so unknown... I know also 1 u can only do if you are host. But if u miss, u die. But if you get there, you are invincible and noone else can get there. I think I will make vids when I got xbox back.
Yay I just recognized that I haz more posts than you! Anyways, I think you and deathtoll will be the first ones to see it... I hope I will haz repaired xbox soon... I wrote this in each post, haven`t I?
...I just tried to get up there, and without lowered gravity, there's no way of actually doing so. Even with a perfectly timed grenade jump, you still only get about 3/4 of the way up there. It's maybe possible at 75% gravity (I got close a number of times), and easily repeatable at 50%, though once you hit 50% it makes walking the ledge incredibly difficult. Not a bad find by any stretch, just not anything that can actually be used in any practical sense. EDIT: And I don't mean to be a naysayer. The fact that you can get up there at all, and continue to ascend speaks bucketloads about your jumping abilities. But I'd only believe it was real if I saw it in-game...
Uhm... the video was done with 100 percent gravity. Sorry, but I think you did it wrong. Did you move exactly like in the vid? with walking right while throwing grenade? You have to time it perfectly. It is possible.
Yes. I mimicked the video in the most exact sense that I could. The grenade jump doesn't get you high enough, and jumping at an angle off-kilter from the center of the blast would move you more sideways than up. I tried mimicking your movements, and they didn't work. I tried improvising my own movements, and they didn't work. I only got up there after I lowered gravity to 50%. Granted, the jump at the beginning points to a higher gravity than that (which is why I said 75% was possible), but again, I couldn't replicate. In either case, you have my compliments for being able to find such a ledge as that, because I wouldn't have thought to go up there in my wildest dreams. ^_^ EDIT: And it does really suck that your XBox is broken so that we can't just jump on Live and get this whole bit squared away right here and now...
You do know that you can get under the map, inside the map, and out of the map without glitching right? There are plenty of better hiding spots.