I thought it would be fun to have a bunch of people would get together and show off their maps and games. It would be a three day event. Day One would be FFA games, Day Two would be team games, Day Three would be the VIP Game Night, a night to thank all the people that help set it up. VIPs would include me, the Game Fest Photographers (people who go through the videos of the games and find sweet screenshots and videos), supervisors (people who help control the several lobbies we need if this gets big enough), and people who do cool stuff (group leaders, tournament organizers...) There is no set date yet because this is still being organized. I was told that i could find active users that would like to help me at this site. PM me if you want to help, or if you want to register for the games and stuff. I made a group on B.net for this. Join if you want to help out or just to play in the events.Bungie.net : Halo 3 Custom Game Fest : Group Home Thanks!
This is awesome, i can never find decent stuff like this. You should make it so you can pick what day you want to be in so you can maximize the players that can participate.
10 people have joined allready, and were working on some tournaments. The fasteer we get people the faster well have tournaments. Please join. Use the link in the OP to join.
hey for us with oldschool this is really hard to read and we have to highlight it... nothing big... but could u change the color so we can read it??? edit: i would join but my bro has meh xbox but i thought i would tell u bout that kthxbia
i will join too. i probably will just play them or i might be able to take the screenshots or whatever. i would join the group you made but b.net is being weird and not letting me get on. once it becomes operational for me i will join
I frikkin' love custom games (I've played more than twice as many customs than social and ranked games combined...). I guess I'll join =/