SidageStopper By: Bobsagetismyhro Gametypes supported: CTF(2 sided) Waypoint on SidageStopper Map Description: I thought of this map when I saw a video on youtube and thought this map looks so much fun. The red vs blue has been going on for awhile. The teams are trying to go to the other base at get the flag. Called capture the flag. However their is different ways to get there, like instead of going through the cannon(way more fun) you can try to sneak around the teleportals or you can go through the custom powerup, which makes you very slow. The victor is decided usually who has the best stradegy. It has a lot of action in it, you are always more your toes! Youtube Video, I repeat, I did not make this video. It is where I got my influence from. Weapons/Equipments/Vechiclesitemlace at start/respawn/how many on map Plasma grenade:yes/instant/8 (4 on each side) Bubble Shield:yes/instant/2 Regenerator:yes/instant/2 Trip mine:yes/60/2 Radar Jammer:yes/60/2 Power Drain:yes/60/2 Flare:yes/60/2 Grav lift:no/180/2 Custom Power-up:yes/instant/4 Firebomb:yes/10/2 Invis:yes/60/1 Power-up:yes/60/1 Rocket Launcher:no/60/2 Smg:yes/instant/4 Mongoose:no/30/4 Ghost:no/45/2 Sniper Rifle:yes/120/1 Shotgun:yes/120/1Person Traits Like anyother team slayer game it is almost 100% stuff. The custom powerups make you go slow and not jump high. It also makes it easier to be killed and harder to kill people. BRING ON THE PICS!!!!!! RED Spawn Blue Spawn Teleporters on the right: try to move around or you will be sent back. Other telepoters are just two ways with their pairs, so you dont go any where. Never go through these teleporters or you will be sent here: ANd NOW FOR THE ACTION PICS! TRIPLE STICK!!!!!! THe famous sniper rifle! I highly suggest that you shouldn't ever go off the man cannon when a ghost is going off at the same time. lol. Here is an example: how do you think will win? Thats right always the vechicle, even when damaged a lot.Now some use of the equipment: The best equipment for defending your base. It sends anything that touches it straight back. Suggest: put the grav lift, next to the man cannon, like seen in this photo. Regenerator: I dont know how it does this, but if you are in the air when you are close to the other base with the regen in the are next to you, it somehow sends you back. Dont believe me, see for yourself. WArning dont joke around the flag return, or you will be killed! Ps: this is how you sneak around the teles, or you can just get in the vehicle and drive to the other base. Thanks 4 Reading! Waypoint on SidageStopper
Decent idea, I really like the trade off in stealth and speed. Looks like you limited players to two general options. Either go through the man cannon, or go around at a very slow pace. Good idea, but I don't know about the practicality of it.
lol so its a map with a part blocked off, but its possible, and obvious how to get into the blocked off part?? Spoiler I LOVE IT! lol the map thats centered around the mancannons is a great idea. it must be for less than 6 people though, not much area for alot of people, amirite? or amirite? the vehicles add an extra bonus for the mancannons (and for getting through the teleporters) and the things you can do with the equipment is really cool, cant wait to try it out!!!!!111one!111one111wononewon!!!111...........1!11121111on!@!!111
By practicality I mean, if you bypass the mancannons, odds are your going to bone the other team to the side. And if both teams rush for the mancannon, you just get a mess of mid-air collisions, nobody gets through, and if they do, I'm sure they'll die fairly quickly.
THat is where Strategy comes in, but the more you die, the longer your respawn time is. so you dont want to die a lot.
I am new here, but not verynew. I have been a guest and finally signed up, but on all the mini game maps havnt been that good. So thank you for posting this! lol. It looks great, the youtube video looks like a lot of fun. Great map! 5/5
when you throw a regenerator it increases the man cannon's range for some strange reason The map looks sweet, I've seen it tried many times but this looks like the definitive version.
For a map on Construct, this was surprisingly fun to test!! I do really hope that you fixed a couple of things...: 1. For some odd reason, everytime I spawned I would walk really slowly. Just got a bit annoying. 2. How many spawns are on each side? I felt like there was some spawn killing. 3. I almost felt that with the small # of players that the map shouldn't involve the middle area of Narrows. I think it would be really cool to block the top middle area, but not the bottom (where the sniper spawns in default Construct). Doing this might make it feel tidier and enclosed, an aspect which makes this map really cool already. Other than that, I really enjoyed the map, especially with regards to the equipment. It was almost like a little game of "Who's gonna go through the cannon first and then get a face full of Regen?" lol. I like how there is a risk factor is taking the man cannons over and how the equipment is vital part of gameplay. I'm happy to say that this is one of the better and more strategical Construct maps I've played, even as a map in the mini-game section. Good job Saget. -JSlayer7
First of all thanks, I no I will make the changes, but about your thing about spawning, I put that you have a big overshield for like 3 seconds to prevent spawn camping. I made them walk slow, because i didnt want them to get far, because then it would be hard to kill you.
pros-love the idea of being able to choose if you want to stay back and gaurd or attack through the man-cannons. Doesnt look that weapon heavy cons-The biggest thing is that you can cheat the map. I know it is hard to block it off but you have to try and find something out. And, dont put how to get out of the map. It ruins it. Grading gameplay-4/5 (usually interlocking)Originality-2/5 overall astetics-3/5 post-5/5 overall-4/5
Okay I am not posting to boost up my map, but I was posting because I dont really get you saying the interlocking. It is on Narrows! And in my opinon, 2/5 originality, i mean maybe its just me, but I have never seen another map like this. In fact, I barely see any maps on narrows